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photos of G8 alternatives legal demo

Nicola | 06.07.2005 16:49 | G8 2005





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06.07.2005 17:13

Good to see photos of peaceful protesters making their point.......and I hope the Police come down hard on the thugs shown in other photo's, they deserve all they get


Please give credit

06.07.2005 17:28

top three photos came from BBC's Paul Mason's Blog

give credit where credit is due



06.07.2005 17:35



Don't get too close!

06.07.2005 20:35

You do realise that if you break through all those police the next line of defence is likely to be armed don't you?

Dreadful Man

Well done!

06.07.2005 20:57

Well done!

From Spain, we're following your actions. We're with you in our heart and mind.

Destroy capitalism!


yes we do

06.07.2005 23:10

"You do realise that if you break through all those police the next line of defence is likely to be armed don't you?"

but remember that in most other country's cops are always armed
which doesn't mean we don't care or we're not scared
it's something you always have to keep in mind but it's not a reason not to do it

Jimmy R

world support us

06.07.2005 23:16

well done keep on fighting

no justice no peace fuck the police ;(

mail e-mail: tell your mates how the g8 sucks
- Homepage: http://tell your neighbours how the g8 sucks

destroy g8 (from chile)

06.07.2005 23:53

more rage to this assholes.
hope and luck for destroy g8
