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BBC relegating G8 issues

concernedz25 | 06.07.2005 12:51

BBC relegates G8 to sidelines beacause of olympics win

As other posters have noted the bbc has now relegated the g8 to the lastitem but one on its news programmes as the Olympic beanfeast is announced , many people who have wanted to find out current thinking about the G8, what the politicans are thinking and their manoureveing, how the NGOo’s are responding etd, and of course the activities of the protesters, will be very disapointed. Further, they keep showing footage of the violent scenes this morning when most protest is now non violent and good natured.

if it wasimportant yesterday, its even more important now as the summit begins,

You can complain to the BBC on
08700 100 222

Same on ITN and SKY too!



Hide the following 11 comments

The real story

06.07.2005 13:15

Of course the Olympics is the big story. Face it G8 protest has been a damp squib. The picture here shows what odinary people care about.

You have been sidelined

London wins

Cheaper BBC Complain & Switchboard Number

06.07.2005 13:19

If you do want to complain to the BBC, don't fork out for their 0870 scam. Here are local switchboard numbers:

Main Switchboard (ask for complaints): 0207 5804468
Another switchboard number: 02890 338000


complaints procedure

06.07.2005 13:43

I'm sure there's also a web-form and/ or an adress to write to. I'll just have a look on the site...

you can email your complaint.


elizabeth veldon
mail e-mail:

Such a shame

06.07.2005 13:55

Awwww what a shame. No need to get mother to tape non-stop news now in case you get your 2 minutes of anarchy fame. Your pathetic 'anarchy in the streets' has been swept away by other news. Is that the real reason for the complaints?

Daisy Chain


06.07.2005 13:58

You can contact the BBC by e-mail to complain

Make sure that you ask for a reply.


Downing streets media monitoring project strikes again!

06.07.2005 14:22

Downing streets media monitoring project again sucessfully hijacks the mainstream media.

This announcement could of happened at anytime in the last month, but I suggest, they have waited until now to break it.

If it wasn't this story it would of been another.
eg. phony UK/French row

It just shows how the media is totally under their control.


A shame

06.07.2005 14:32

Personally I think it is a nightmare that we have won the olympics. I live in East London and it now means that rent is going to rise, I will be priced out of the housing market and we are going to have loads of money poured into developing sporting areas and transport rather than looking at the social and economic problems of the area. The marshes are going to get replaced with "landscaped" areas and carparks so it will also have a huge impact on the wild life.

That said looking at our history of big building project management (Millenium Dome, Millenium Bridge) chances are that we will go over budget and trigger a recession. Will 2012 be the first ever olymipics to be cancelled due to bad planning and the building work not finished? Perhaps if there is a recession then some of the people in east London will be able to afford housing and all of the people "Buying to let" who currently bouy the market away from first time buyers will loose some cash and pull out of the game.

Fingers Crossed


Balls to the G8 and all they stand for, it's not as if they are going to make any decisions that will do anything but line their pockets more. International aid will all go to multinational companies "investing in the area" and the markest are going to be forced open for us to exploit further. As for climate change you can forget any kind of action, Mr Bush has only just admitted that it may be a problem in the future.

Bristly Pioneer

The BBC and the Olympics

06.07.2005 14:33

I tuned into Radio 5 expecting to get news on G8 and was inundated with so much hype about the Olympics it was like a pantomime performance. I persevered but the exposure to the Olympics was relentless. It seemed rather odd that the BBC should put on such a show if there was any doubt as to who was going to win. Can you imagine the disappointment and anti climax after such hype. I somehow feel that Downing St Press Office may have had some input in the tone of the program which culminated in such a frenzied pitch when they announed who the winner was - surprise surprise - London. I decided to contact Radio 5 to put in a complaint about this and was referred to another phoneline. I then asked them who I would write to if I wanted to have access to the editors' notes and guidelines under the "Freedom of Information" act. I was kept waiting so long that I eventually hung up.

Please note that Coffee Republic have banned your website from their outlets.


let's keep a sense of perspective

06.07.2005 16:32

Boo to the trolls having a pop at G8 protesters, but still, let's get a grip here. Our protests are not the only news happening in the world, and the BBC are bound to cover all of it.

Not getting in-depth TV coverage of every aspect of what we've been up to is not evidence of a giant media conspiracy.. just a busy world!

Amongst other things the Zimbabwe refugees' hunger strike is now in day 15:


no control, no say

06.07.2005 18:47

Should be re-named the EBC - English Broadcasting Corporation

We Scots have no control over the media, so what do you expect.

We had no say either about G8 being held in Scotland

The spirit of Wallace


06.07.2005 20:13

Apparently the Downing Street press office has the IOC in its back pocket. That's quite a conspiarcy theory. What do you know about "mini nukes?"

Dreadful Man