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London Wins !

Alan | 06.07.2005 12:25

London wins 2012 Olymic bid

Fantastic news, regeneration, new housing, new investment.

What a fantastic day

Well done London



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Allan: Piss off

06.07.2005 12:46

You are just a little wannabe-nazi. nothing more.


Oh For F**ks Sake!!!!

06.07.2005 12:55

Just when i thought it couldnt get any worse..

Anne R. Key

Take a look

06.07.2005 13:03

Take a look at the "No to 2012" site. They are taking some real stick !

It's great to see all those who predicted Paris would win looking very stupid, so much for the "No" campaign.


The people celebrate

06.07.2005 13:13

Pictures of London people celebrating


The wonderful world of Indymedia

06.07.2005 13:34

A place where being happy that billions of pounds will be spent on regenerating the third-poorest borough in the UK, building cheap housing for local people and improving public transport links to take cars off the road marks you down as a wannabe nazi.

Funny old world.



06.07.2005 13:51

C'mon guys, don't be such grumpyfaces. London deserved to win because we were well up for it, and because we're the most vibrant, tolerant, cosmopolitan city in Europe.

More importantly, the arrogant Parisians deserved to lose. The place is an overrated racist hellhole... France treats asylum seekers worse than any other western country, forces their ethnic minorities into ghettos, screws the developing world with massive farming subsidies, attacks the rights of Muslims under the pretext of "secular republicanism", and regularly votes en masse for the French equivalent of the BNP (Le Pen came second at the last election). France is one of the largest ex-colonial powers in the world but when last year (yes, only last year) they had their first black newsreader it caused a nationwide kerfuffle. Born of the same pretentious Enlightenment crap as the United States, "La Republique Francaise" is the sociopolitical equivalent of Betamax video. And President Chirac is a thieving crook who's used presidential immunity laws to block criminal investigation into his financial dealings. And not forgetting the Rainbow Warrior, either... A bas les racistes!


Sorry Alan but what are you talking about?

06.07.2005 13:58

So the people who brought us the Dome, Cross-rail, the War in Iraq and the (now well behind schedule) new Wembley stadium, think they can run the Olympics?

This is a great day for Sky Sports and Rupert Murdoch, but a terrible day for ordinary Londoners.

God knows what the bung was!!!

Who has stolen my old school playing field?


06.07.2005 13:59

Oh shit


Olympic windfall

06.07.2005 14:07

The biggest beneficiary of winning the Olympic vote will be east London, a largely derelict landscape but now the heartbeat of the 2012 Olympic Games.

Stratford and the Lower Lea Valley is where the 80,000-seater Olympic stadium will be built, along with an aquatics centre, veoldrome and four Olympic arenas, aBMX circuit and hockey centre.

The Olympic village will be located here, housing enough accommodation for 17,000 beds which will be converted into 3,600 apartments after the games.

The media and press centre will be turned into a creative industries centre for the area and a lifelong learning centre with nursery, primary and secondary schools will be created out of the Olympic “polyclinic”.

But beyond Stratford, hosting the 2012 Olympics is set to act as a catalyst for the wider regeneration of the Thames Gateway, the 40-mile stretch of mainly brownfield land earmarked by the government as a growth area where 200,000 homes are planned.

Ministers have already committed £800m to redeveloping the Lower lea Valley, and Ken Livingstone, London mayor, says £7bn is already planned for transport infrastructure, although much of this will be for the Channel Tunnel Rail Link.

However, the government will now be bound to ensure funding is secured for extending and enhancing the Docklands Light Railway and extending the east London line.

Wider transport plans for London, notably the £10bn Crossrail project, were not integral to the Olympic bid. But success in Singapore will concentrate government attention on how far and how fast to proceed with Crossrail, a huge construction project.

The Olympic Park will require 7,000 jobs created in the construction industry, and the bid document predicted 12,000 jobs would be created from the post-games legacy

Roger Blitz


06.07.2005 14:23

And let's not forget their appalling record on animal rights. Feeding geese til they explode. You should be ashamed of yourselves.


Balls to the bid

06.07.2005 14:33

Personally I think it is a nightmare that we have won the olympics. I live in East London and it now means that rent is going to rise, I will be priced out of the housing market and we are going to have loads of money poured into developing sporting areas and transport rather than looking at the social and economic problems of the area. The marshes are going to get replaced with "landscaped" areas and carparks so it will also have a huge impact on the wild life.

That said looking at our history of big building project management (Millenium Dome, Millenium Bridge) chances are that we will go over budget and trigger a recession. Will 2012 be the first ever olymipics to be cancelled due to bad planning and the building work not finished? Perhaps if there is a recession then some of the people in east London will be able to afford housing and all of the people "Buying to let" who currently bouy the market away from first time buyers will loose some cash and pull out of the game.

Fingers Crossed


Balls to the G8 and all they stand for, it's not as if they are going to make any decisions that will do anything but line their pockets more. International aid will all go to multinational companies "investing in the area" and the markest are going to be forced open for us to exploit further. As for climate change you can forget any kind of action, Mr Bush has only just admitted that it may be a problem in the future.

Bristly Pioneer

London won??

06.07.2005 21:25

Yes we know. That's all we've heard on TV and radio since the announcement was made. That and airings of "je ne regret rien" etc just to rub the french nose in it.

Disgusting, small minded, jingoistic..

So what do we have to look forward to? -

7 long, painful years of the evil Murdoch and The Sun whipping it up

At the next election "don't vote Tory if you want a great Olympics" ('cept Coe is Tory ho ho!)

C division pundits giggling their way through eons of radio, TV and Internet broadcasts

Blair, Blair and more Blair.. and his hideous, ugly rictus grin

Oh God, why now for my life?
