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George Monbiot: ‘Climate change is the most important issue on our agenda’

George Monbiot | 06.07.2005 10:51 | G8 2005

We have so far seen two drafts of the climate agreement that the G8 summit is meant to be coming up with. The first one was disastrous — and the second was even worse.

We have so far seen two drafts of the climate agreement that the G8 summit is meant to be coming up with. The first one was disastrous — and the second was even worse.

By the time we got to the second one, the draft did not even agree that climate change was actually taking place.

What this represents, of course, is the US position. It’s terrifying that the US position appears to have prevailed against the other seven countries. This nullifies Tony Blair’s pledge to make climate change one of the two priorities of the G8 meeting.

So they have a draft climate change agreement that won’t even admit that climate change is taking place. It’s like having a draft agreement about ending a war that won’t even admit that the war is happening.

One of the problems we have in the campaign against climate change at the moment is that our aims are very poorly defined — there are no clearly defined enemies.

It’s easier to campaign against GM crops or against road building, because the enemy is Monsanto or Tarmac. It is clear who is causing the problem, who is acting against our interests.

But with climate change, we are all responsible. Until we have clearly defined enemies, we are not going to have a clearly defined battle. More ......

For the link to the full article see my G8 Alternative Action News Blof at:
We have so far seen two drafts of the climate agreement that the G8 summit is meant to be coming up with. The first one was disastrous — and the second was even worse.

By the time we got to the second one, the draft did not even agree that climate change was actually taking place.

What this represents, of course, is the US position. It’s terrifying that the US position appears to have prevailed against the other seven countries. This nullifies Tony Blair’s pledge to make climate change one of the two priorities of the G8 meeting.

So they have a draft climate change agreement that won’t even admit that climate change is taking place. It’s like having a draft agreement about ending a war that won’t even admit that the war is happening.

One of the problems we have in the campaign against climate change at the moment is that our aims are very poorly defined — there are no clearly defined enemies.

It’s easier to campaign against GM crops or against road building, because the enemy is Monsanto or Tarmac. It is clear who is causing the problem, who is acting against our interests.

But with climate change, we are all responsible. Until we have clearly defined enemies, we are not going to have a clearly defined battle. More .......

To see the link to the full article see my G8 Summit Alternative Action News Blog at:

Neil Williams

George Monbiot
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Display the following 2 comments

  1. Why do you keep posting incomplete articles? — anonymouse
  2. The whole article — Neil Williams