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G8 wooden theme window shopping

kriptick | 05.07.2005 20:54 | G8 2005 | Analysis | Globalisation | Social Struggles

New shop window designs caused by Police scaring businesses into losing trade.

Repetitive theme for Edinburgh shop windows
Repetitive theme for Edinburgh shop windows

G8 wooden themed window shopping

New shop window designs caused by Police scaring businesses into losing trade.
I missed all the action on the streets today so found myself wandering along all the tourist trails like Prince's St taking touristy photos. Couldn't help noticing that many of the shops around Edinburgh had adopted a similar minimalist wooden theme for their window displays.

Seriously though, about 1 in 20 shops were boarded up with ugly shuttering. As far as I know, none of the shops had actually suffered broken windows and the shuttering was probably all pre-emptive. The poor gullible managers of these shops had obviously gone along with all the media hype fueled by police press releases predicting - near as dammit - all out war on the streets. The boarded shops must have lost significant trade as a result of the punters being unable to view all the flashy consumerist tat from the pavement. Doubtless a stink will be kicked up in the media about how the protesters have been the sole cause of the businesses' loss of precious profits and the likely cost of all the over the top policing for ratepayers. The police will therefore crow that without all their dire warnings & over-the-top policing, businesses would have lost even more profits, justifying the enormous police overtime pay claims and also increasing the likelihood of them receiving increased future funding for their crowd control tactics and also dangerous new hi-tech crowd control toys.



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05.07.2005 21:23

My favourite boarded up shop is definitely the job centre... well done folks!
Though here are less shops boarded up than in Geneva or Lausanne.

And why the hell is Clarks boarded up - I thought they are particular ethical shoemakers in league with the Quakers?

Or does anybody know anything particular bad about them?

Could of course also be, that they protect themselves against crazy baton charging coppers with badly schooled horses!


So funny

05.07.2005 21:50

It made me crack up to see the lengths some of the shops have gone to in order to protect their windows from the hords of rioters hell bent on smashing the windows of those evil corporate hearing aid shops etc. They must know something about their unethical business practises that we don't. (lets get them next week ;-)


Police and Press Hysteria

05.07.2005 23:13

I know exactly where the first shop is, and is in no need of being boarded up,if the police and media like the Daily Mail and the Scotsman can scare shop owners like the guy who owns this shop into going to such lengths, oh what a police state we live in! Interesting that GAP, Mac Ds, Pret a Manger aint boarded at all! And were open as usual on Saturday but that the Body Shop wasnt!



06.07.2005 18:12

They may once have been an ethical company, but they now have factories in Vietnam and other such places notorious for crappy working conditions. Not sure whether they claim to ensure that their factories are ok or not.


wooden tops

08.07.2005 00:35

Cool. Capitalism afraid of people! Now theres a CONtradiction or a paradox or a plain old load of s**t.
Board up the bastards.


English pillock