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Searchlight dumps UAF for Labour

WJ | 05.07.2005 15:44 | Analysis | London

Searchlight's credibility has taken another nose drive at the news that it had been acrimoniously squeezed out of that most innane of all outfits for B-List celebrities: Unite Against Fascism.

In a spiteful editorial, reminicient of some tabloid scoop, Searchlight pours blame on the UAF as being "impossible to work with".

But perhaps the 40 watt bulbs that comprise of UAF's steering committee never knew that Searchlight, like Mossad, was run by Zionists primarily for the benefit of Zionism.

As Steve Silver explains:

"Also, there was only ever so long that we could participate in an organisation which had leading figures conduct a whispering campaign about Searchlight being “Zionists”."

This sort of anti-semitism would be intollerable and not withstanding, Searchlight then implies it is the UAF, not Searchlight, who are the real racists:

"However, the final straw has been public accusations that we are pandering to racism by addressing the issue of the grooming of young women in Keighley. We believe that if we did not address the issue then the BNP would be given a free hand to use it to garner votes."

and then...

"And because fascism is about more than racism we simply do not believe that UAF’s concept of black leadership is appropriate for an anti-fascist organisation. Racism is just one part of what fascism is about and it cannot be reduced to it."

Afternoon tea with UAF must have been a real treat!

The truth is that despite all the State backing, all the government support, all the B-List celebs and all the has-been politicians, UAF has had zero effect on anything!

And anti-fash campaigners were none too pleased at the recent homophobic campaign conducted by Searchlight against the BNP's Richard Bambrook -, such was Searchlight's desperation to get a result.

One thing for sure, Searchlight has now thrown its support behind that great working-class anti-fascist hero, Tony Blair.

And in showing how well it can grovel and blow its trumpet at the same time, Searchlight claims in relation to the government's win in Goresbrook ward :

"The Labour Party by contrast are in buoyant mood and most of the credit for the victory must go to the hard work of so many members who were determined to kick out the BNP. Seventy-two per cent of voters were canvassed during the campaign and over 60 people were out on the day.

“It was a victory because we all worked together,” said Liam Smith, the Labour Party agent. “The Labour Party, Searchlight and the unions have formed a great team together and this sets us in good stead for next year’s all-out local elections.”"

Well Nick Lowles, let us hope this marriage lasts a little bit longer than your last....



Display the following 18 comments

  2. Death to the UAF — White Working Class
  3. When will the SWP learn? — Ian Bone
  4. Seachlight is a MI5 front — rz
  5. SWP Finished? — Jennifer Griffin
  6. Let this be the end — Corrie Fan
  7. Zionists are everywhere — Bo
  8. I'm not a racist but... — not a racist
  9. Sad — Kevin G.
  10. In full — WJ
  11. hello sailor... — Paul B
  12. resist divide-and-rule, and please delete the fascist trolls — type
  13. What "Type" of Zionist are you? — Bo
  14. Do not adjust your sets — Concered Librarian
  15. Here come the smears and lies... — Paul B
  16. Why Searchlight Fails — Malcom X
  17. No to Homophobia, no to the BNP — Kevin
  18. Weyman is a "goofy coon" — Dead Beat