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Caterpillar Protest - York - Friday

Sparta | 05.07.2005 12:00 | Sheffield

We have organised a mass protest in York this Friday outside the Minster at 12:30 for about 1 hour (see flyer for details).


It is also related to an official fringe meting that we have and could be part of a catalyst of an historical event- the Church of England withdrawing its £2 million in shares from companies that profit from the illegal Israeli Occupation of Palestinian Territories.

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05.07.2005 13:49

The Chruch of England withdraws £2million from Caterpillar in support of Palestine???

Maybe the Church of England wants to know that the Palestinian Authority has introduced the death penalty in Palestine since they were given the power and already carried it out in some Palestians prisoners held in death row. Now...

How Christian is that?

And your campaign, do you support that too?


Catch the Caterpillar

05.07.2005 14:14

why all the sudden interest in the apartheid in Palestine from mainstream religion? It never used to bother the Christians in the West before. Could this be because Palestinians have never wanted charity but only justice or at least a smidgeon of it, enough say for 22% of their land. How greedy can you get.
Will Jack Straw ever express more than 'concern' about the daily living death of the occupation?

Catalyst for change

Kill killer D9s not people

05.07.2005 14:26

We've been rumbled - our conspiracy to reintroduce the death penalty everywhere for all crimes is a secret no longer.
Get real you tosser - 38 years of occupation and ethnic cleansing are not validated by the reimposition of the death penalty in Palestine. We all know collaborators have been strung up and don't condone this either. Everyone in Palestine is a victim of the conditions created by American funded Israeli policies and yes we should also be protesting about the death penalty.
Let's go to the Palestinian embassy tonight then or write to the Palestinian ambassador.
Perhaps we should all travel to Jerusalem the Palestinian capital to protest outside the Palestinain parliament. Or shall we boycott the Palestinian national airline instead.
One day we'll be able to do things and won't get stopped at Ben Gurion and interrogated about our motives. 'I want to protest about the death penalty in Palestine' - try that now at BG and see how far towards Quds that gets you.

Snow leopard

living death under occupation

05.07.2005 14:52

what about the living death under occupation for all Palestinians gua. that's ok is it? and the 4000 Palestinians killed by the Israeli army since 2000 and the 8000 palestinians in Israeli jails, many of them children and many without charge.

pro-life anti-occupation

anti G8???

07.07.2005 11:50

maybe a bit of a 'wander' afterwards . . . . ???
