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G8 Alternatives

King | 05.07.2005 11:07

Just seen the police briefing on TV - G8 Alternatives and Dissent being praised by the police for their "helpful" attitude

Who decides who speaks to the police from these groups ?

Is a vote taken ?

What do they agree to in our name ?



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05.07.2005 11:16

Yes I saw that too and was pretty surprised. It seems the Borders police have been working closely with both groups for some months. As I attended some of the planning meetings I am shocked to discover this was going on behind our backs.

Who decided this should happen as nobody I know knew about it or voted for it



05.07.2005 11:25

yes the g8 alt but not dissent... they were the ones getting it yesterday ,stop this crap


divide and rule

05.07.2005 13:04

They're just trying to divide and rule, as usual, so bite if you want to.

Anyway, they also said they would allow only 5000 protestors, so given the way the police usually undercounts our numbers, that means we can have 50000!


Speaking of acting without a vote...

05.07.2005 14:04

Who the F#@K elected any of the mask wearers to participate in street theatre with the police in the name of our movement? Thats what I'd like to know.

Oh, I forgot, each to their own? Then don't complain when someone does something in your name without consulting you.
