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Provocation outside the media centre

Mertle | 04.07.2005 22:49 | G8 2005

Police turn up outside the media centrelate this evening, seemingl with the aim of stiring trouble.

Several vans of police drew up outside the media centre this evening, then grabbed one person from the pavement on the opposite side - which fairly predictably provoked a reaction from the crowd outside the Forest Cafe. Luckily all was calmed down fairly swiftly and when the desired trouble was not forthcoming the cops got back in their van and drove off.

We have unconfirmed reports the grabbed man was dropped very soon after around the corner.



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The arrested man was not released

04.07.2005 23:43

I watched the police van with the arrested man for some time. The police were not about to release him. It was hard to make out their conversation clearly, but I gathered that the arrested man told the police his 7-month pregnant wife was waiting for him. The policewoman reiterated, "You're not getting out of the van." I could not figure out what he was being charged with, but he repeatedly insisted he had not done anything. Still, they gleefully slammed the van door and drove away.

Peter G
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How unusual

05.07.2005 04:26

"he repeatedly insisted he had not done anything"

What an unusual reaction to being arrested!

In a way, it was good that the police showed up at this time. They ended up helping to deal with some drunken morons who were causing trouble for Forest volunteers.


The intentions of the police

05.07.2005 13:24

You say:
"In a way, it was good that the police showed up at this time. They ended up helping to deal with some drunken morons who were causing trouble for Forest volunteers."

But I'm not too sure how effective the police were in this aim, considering that the one person arrested, in the policeman's words, "had been drinking but is soberish."

It seemed clear that the police were not there to help deal with "morons" or "wankers" but rather looking for an excuse to raid the IndyMedia Centre. That is what we should be worrying about.
