It was meant to be a carnival.....
angelwings | 04.07.2005 19:30 | G8 2005 | Repression | Sheffield
but it turned into a riot. Or so you'd think, from the police tactics at the carnival for Full Enjoyment, here in Edinburgh today.
Billed as a carnivalesque parade through Edinburgh, calling for No Wage Slavery, No Benefits Slavery. No Debt Slavery, we were meant to visit 'places responsible for the increasingly precarious way in which we experience life and work'. Instead, we were subjected Police Repression like like I've never seen before.
Maybe because the words 'anarchist rally' were banded around, or maybe because they are practising for Wednesday - the start of G8 - for whatever reason, today we have had a taste of Police State and I found it very frightening.
We had a little appetisers in Sheffield when we hosted the Home Affairs G8 - we made them very welcome - today the police had total control of the streets, cordoning off whole areas , moving in at the drop of a hat , moving us away, holding us penned in , threatening us with riot gear, shields, helmets, horses and their flerescaent chorus-line (see later).
They were a well-oiled machine, able to hear a fart from streets away and respond in seconds. Most had ear pices, obeying orders, grouping and regrouping , moving forward, cleaning us on and on.
Why do anarchists cross the road? To get to the other side, silly. Early on in the day, 30 women and men crossed the road at Scotts Monument, the police tried to stop them. In a higgley-piggle game of tag, the police played lollypop-lady, chasing and grabbing people as they passed.
They seemed scared at first: 'Keep up, Andy,' a cop shouted to another. Later, the language of police repression - new to me- revealed their training and preparation: ' Keep that dressing right , lads, keep that gap ' they shouted as they marched forward together. But the most incredible police line was when they boxed us in at Channing Street. They stood very close and laced together like leaves or petals, a flurescent chorus line. It was theatrical and almost poetic. They must have some kind of drama coach on how to fix their face for that line up: stern , hard, non-human. I was tempted to ask 'what is your motivation?'
They boxed us in at Exchange Tower, a fairy samba drummed til their arms dropped off. After an hour, there was a scuffle as cops moved in to pull off balaclavas , and wearers retaliated.
A woman was smashed in the back and carried away dazed. Someone was sick, and a man in black danced on a nearby roof, unzipped his flys, pretended to piss, showed us his bum, all overlooked by Exchange Tower workers.
I thought of Twin Towers- an incredible image, banks of glass columns of besuited office workers leaning out , trying to see what was going on. The anarchist danced and waved a black flag from his rooftop perch. They wore identy labels and tags: the anarchist took off his socks sniffed them and chucked them into the cheering crowd below - collective freedom alongside corporate individulisation.
They let us out one by one, searched bags, lined us up , we talked to their video camera, giving name address and date of birth. I decided not to lie but gave my information with as much defiance as I could muster.
We walked back through line after line of police, vans, riot cops in full helmet gear, etc, etc. All for a carnival. Even SMP, Colin Fox, who had tried to come to our rescue, was able to do little.
Back on Princes Street, overlooked by Edinburgh catle, more riot police, more box ins . About 500 this time, in the park, most nothing to do with G8 protests - lots of parents with children- held for hours with no food or water just because the police wanted to clear the street.
Lasting images - riot cops ramming their riot shields forming Roman legion defences - threatening three teenage girls dressed in pink tee shirts and pony tales, giggling into their mobile phone. And the convoy of 50 police white vans speeding down Princess Street - responding to, god knows what, but they had to earn their overtime.
Maybe because the words 'anarchist rally' were banded around, or maybe because they are practising for Wednesday - the start of G8 - for whatever reason, today we have had a taste of Police State and I found it very frightening.
We had a little appetisers in Sheffield when we hosted the Home Affairs G8 - we made them very welcome - today the police had total control of the streets, cordoning off whole areas , moving in at the drop of a hat , moving us away, holding us penned in , threatening us with riot gear, shields, helmets, horses and their flerescaent chorus-line (see later).
They were a well-oiled machine, able to hear a fart from streets away and respond in seconds. Most had ear pices, obeying orders, grouping and regrouping , moving forward, cleaning us on and on.
Why do anarchists cross the road? To get to the other side, silly. Early on in the day, 30 women and men crossed the road at Scotts Monument, the police tried to stop them. In a higgley-piggle game of tag, the police played lollypop-lady, chasing and grabbing people as they passed.
They seemed scared at first: 'Keep up, Andy,' a cop shouted to another. Later, the language of police repression - new to me- revealed their training and preparation: ' Keep that dressing right , lads, keep that gap ' they shouted as they marched forward together. But the most incredible police line was when they boxed us in at Channing Street. They stood very close and laced together like leaves or petals, a flurescent chorus line. It was theatrical and almost poetic. They must have some kind of drama coach on how to fix their face for that line up: stern , hard, non-human. I was tempted to ask 'what is your motivation?'
They boxed us in at Exchange Tower, a fairy samba drummed til their arms dropped off. After an hour, there was a scuffle as cops moved in to pull off balaclavas , and wearers retaliated.
A woman was smashed in the back and carried away dazed. Someone was sick, and a man in black danced on a nearby roof, unzipped his flys, pretended to piss, showed us his bum, all overlooked by Exchange Tower workers.
I thought of Twin Towers- an incredible image, banks of glass columns of besuited office workers leaning out , trying to see what was going on. The anarchist danced and waved a black flag from his rooftop perch. They wore identy labels and tags: the anarchist took off his socks sniffed them and chucked them into the cheering crowd below - collective freedom alongside corporate individulisation.
They let us out one by one, searched bags, lined us up , we talked to their video camera, giving name address and date of birth. I decided not to lie but gave my information with as much defiance as I could muster.
We walked back through line after line of police, vans, riot cops in full helmet gear, etc, etc. All for a carnival. Even SMP, Colin Fox, who had tried to come to our rescue, was able to do little.
Back on Princes Street, overlooked by Edinburgh catle, more riot police, more box ins . About 500 this time, in the park, most nothing to do with G8 protests - lots of parents with children- held for hours with no food or water just because the police wanted to clear the street.
Lasting images - riot cops ramming their riot shields forming Roman legion defences - threatening three teenage girls dressed in pink tee shirts and pony tales, giggling into their mobile phone. And the convoy of 50 police white vans speeding down Princess Street - responding to, god knows what, but they had to earn their overtime.
Hide the following 32 comments
I fear for those blockading tomorrow
04.07.2005 20:27
names and addresses
04.07.2005 21:08
bricks in a carnival??
04.07.2005 21:22
And still after years of protesting, I still do not understand how fighting (or antagonising/and yes I know majority of the protesters today was on a peaceful mission and only few wanted the violence) with the police will solve the problems and issues most of us are trying to bring to the attention of the wider public.
From what I have heard from friends accross the UK and Europe later on today, most news reports have only reported about police having running battles with Anarchist protesters on the streets on Edinburgh, not a SINGLE word about WHY the protesters were there, except the normal line of Anti-G8.
Where as in comparison, the peaceful march on Saturday was widely reported and then the reports even managed to tell teh reason WHY teh protesters were on the march.
Now is it only me or is the big media more likely to repor the reason of a peaceful and lawful (I know those two words strike fear to the hearts of 'real' protesters) protest compared to a violent one.
Still as this country still is a democracy we all have our rights to protest as we wish, except that if the police expect trouble, then we as protesters must expect their response to be what it was today. (sad fact that we have to live it in todays world)
I for one am wondering what will be the picture that will be left from the forthcoming weeks protests to the wider public, as we do have to remember that they only read the mainstream papers and watch main news broadcasts, so that will be the image that we leave for them.
Only time will tell.
not known
what's with all the nagging?
04.07.2005 22:25
I am astonished by all this nagging and whinging for the police violence, the penns and the pushing.
You really have no clue what is police brutality, peeps,
and you must consider yourselves LUCKY about it.
of course the police would cordon and penn you, if you are 200-300...
of course they would ask for your identifications, on a one-by-one basis.
and you, as activists, must find ways to resist in that brutality/police behaviour...
but think of this: in venezuela, in Equador, in Argentina, people wereKILLED in demos, by plastic bullets, by police beating, by asphyxia induced from tear gases, or by outright shootings.
even very recently.... REMEMBER?
so, stop complaining, and
start thinking how you can be effective in whatever action you can organize!
and, something else:
do you really think UK is a democracy???
southern man not there
media coverage
04.07.2005 22:48
Firstly, the 'why' of many people's presence at the previous march was grandly distorted by the media, with the complicity of some members of the MPH coalition, so this was ultimately used as state propaganda with 'protestor particpation'. Secondly, and surprisingly, the BBC carried a quote from a member of Dissent, not inarticulate, with an accompanying statement that the words were not those of a spokesperson due to the non-hierarchical organisation of the group. However, they haven't gone so far as to link to the Dissent website.
fighting amongst ourselves doesn't help
05.07.2005 00:52
you're right, in scotland we do not have to suffer many elements of oppression suffered all over the world. the war in iraq and the presence of the G8 have politicised many people for the first time and surely this can only be a good thing. there were some veterans present in Edinburgh today but the majority had never been in such a heated situation. I was punched twice in the face by a policeman and many others were attacked. Many of us may not be clear in our minds re the level of violence necessary to achieve aims that i believe we share with you: it is not a reason to dismiss or mock us because we not accustomed to police beatings. they are trying to silence, disperse and discourage protest against the capitalist system but ordianary people are resisting. please see my post on indymedia scotland for my version of events.
natasha crofton
Why don't you all f*ck off home
05.07.2005 07:07
Why don't you all just grow up and take out your misdirected angst elsewhere.
If you wanted a peaceful demonstration you wouldn't wear masks would you. Look at Saturday and how well that went and look at the trouble you caused yesterday. This affects normal people, not just the people, and normal businesses. Why should the decent hard-working residents and workers of Edinburgh have to suffer because of your selfishness.
anon resident of edinburgh
to anon resident of E
05.07.2005 08:28
Always a few
05.07.2005 09:24
Frankly, I'm quite happy with the police reaction. I was walking through Princes St. early afternoon and it was definitely protestors (albeit a small number of them) who were doing the provoking.
Who really believes that a few hundred people shouting slogans turning over park benches is going to persuade the G8 leaders to do anything?! All that's been accomplished is that you've cost me and other council tax payers thousands of pounds, made me feel threatened on my own streets and given the right wing media the perfect excuse to ignore anything good that might've come out of any anti-G8 protests - once again everybody will be tarred with the same "violent idiots" brush.
Thanks a frickin' lot.
another Edinburgh resident
Until the last breath
05.07.2005 09:36
First: I would like to express my support to all the brave ones fighting in the streets of Scotland, the resistance is global, as global as the chains that try to hols us. To us the Anarchists there's no northern or southern people, there are no skin colors, there are no nations, because we know all this is just lies and smoke screens created by the POWER to divide us and manipulate our minds, to stop us from fighting back together. Keep the fight brave ones, you're not alone, there are millions like you all over the world, and one day we'll win!!!
Second: most of the people don't understand (specially the pigs/cops) that is exactly this what anarchist manifestations and demostrations are, to call the attention, pacific, violent, pasive, active, direct action, sabotage, blockade, "terrorist" attacks... this is the strugle the important is to continue, and for the ones who don't like the ways of others, understand this our greatest strenght is our diversity, if we were all violent or pacific, the cops would find some way to control us but is in fact the convergence of different ativities and struggle types what makes us un-controlable, un-vincible...
Freedom and Anarchy
coppers masks
05.07.2005 09:42
as usual..
05.07.2005 10:14
Police 'masks'
05.07.2005 10:35
Smash the G8
05.07.2005 11:45
I just want to say:
-fuck the G8
-more rioting against the g8
............REMEMBER CARLO GIULIANI............
One solution ...REVOLUTION
Stop the g8
05.07.2005 11:56
-smash the g8
-abolish capitalism
Liberate Edinburg from g8
05.07.2005 12:02
05.07.2005 12:04
Kindest regards, Pat Bateman MBA.
Pat Bateman
NOT in my name
05.07.2005 12:21
To turn the hard work of so many people who aim to bring to the attention of the masses the unbelievable and indefensible inequalites, poverty, and human rights attrocities faced by millions of people around the world into a story about "anarchists kicking off" is both extremely frustrating and depressing.
Hundreds of years of human history - surely by now we must have realised that violence does not solve anything.
Nor can it be condoned.
If you use violence to make your point you are nothing more than a facist, regardless of how justified you think your point may be.
For those of you who will be there this week at Gleneagles and remain non-violent (even under intimidation) I march with you in spirit.
For those of you intent to kick off.....all I can say is "NOT in my name". You are suceeding nothing but damaging the cause.
would be there if I believed it would be peaceful protest
05.07.2005 13:08
05.07.2005 13:30
And i have noticed you keep taking down the posts by people who don't agree with your actions. How very democratic of you!
Hope they burst all your servers, you are pointless if you censor the peoples comments!
Ross Stevenson
Ross, Elaine, would be there if... FUCK OF TO BURMA
05.07.2005 15:30
Policies of the G8 consistently lead to more violence every year toward people and planet than we can ever match with 100 genoa's.
Destruction is a creative urge, and this is not just philosophical musings, its biochemical fact happening right now in every biological system on the globe...apart from our glorious global neo-liberal capitalist shite forced and coerced upon us every day.
To those saying we're selfish
05.07.2005 16:10
-- To "Anon resident of edinburgh" :
First, you speak in the name of "the people of edinburgh" without any legimity.
Second, the normal people don't exist in my mind but that's a speak about selfishness when you are the archetype of the NIMBY syndrom (Not In My BackYard, anglo-saxon term we learn in town planning studies in france by this english acronym) and means that you may accept any of common utility structures or any population immigrated but far away...
"what you want but not in my small town"...
BUT THE DECISIONS THEY'LL TAKE WILL INFLUE YOUR LIFE IN YOUR SMALL TOWN...maybe one day they'll take decisions which won't please to you and you will not be able to move in any another quiet town because the world is entirely submitted to their laws and decisions (which are going more and more coercitives).
We're are not selfish, obviously, we protest more for people suffering much more than the big part of people in european nations.. but we do this for everyone suffering this economical totalitarism which doesn't accept to listen or discuss publicaly questions about the future of the earth and the purposes of all progress and benefits realised by the globalized entreprises, brains and hands.
-- And a small word to Natasha Crofton responding to the southern man : it was nor fighting nor mocking but a critical advice interesting : don't forget that in Europe we are the less attacked and beaten protesters against economical liberalism. We MUST use it to be more numerous, and to speak louder in order to propagate our ideas. Some democratic values are still alive in our nation governed by the economy and its unic world-life-and-liberalism-vision.
(i'm from a place on earth where the language is french, so my english not be the best, thanks for your efforts reading my comment)
Jean Vide
05.07.2005 16:15
I'm sure you are incapable of a "philosophical musing", you barely have a grasp of the english language.
"Biochemical fact"? Is that something you found out trying to save mice? I'd bet lots of capitalist money it wasn't from a decent university degree.
Such impressive postings make it obvious that you are ill-educated and undeserving of my time, yet still I feel the need to tell you to piss off back the young offenders institution you were born in.
To the american psycho Pat Bateman
05.07.2005 16:16
Jean Vide
05.07.2005 17:40
behaving like psychos in front of your kids? I'd rather be a pascifist protestor than breed a little anarchismo fascist.
05.07.2005 20:25
And how many are merely from liberals?
Please raise your hand if you belong to one or more of the 3 categories mentioned. Thanks.
Oh, Elaine I think you’ll find you ought to have written “you barely have a grasp of the English language” (rather than “english language”) – there really is no excuse for tardiness, especially if you have a "decent university degree".
I’m off to take a bath and get a job (thanks for the suggestion Pat!)
Sir Bob (MBA, PhD, ABC, DEFG, testingtesting123…)
Sir Bob Millionaire
Oh The Irony Of It All!!
06.07.2005 02:07
Shouldn't you be presenting SKY news?
And to cap it all off your email addresses, ie. yahoo, don't seem to come under the "anti-capitalist" banner?
Finally to the French "burd"...why not go home and wreck your own capital city, Paris? Too close to home eh?
Edinburgh Resident
Pissed off Edinburgh resident!
06.07.2005 09:02
200 clash with police at a Carnival of Full Enjoyment! Sad muppets with nothing better to do!
Says a lot really. What gives you the right to come to our city and trash the place? There is no ideal behind what you do merely the urge for violence. I think the police reacted in a manner which was in keeping with the provocation from the assholes! As for the "locals" that joined in your protest....another bunch of muppets who will do anything to cause ideal whatsoever.
Its been proven in the past your violent actions don't work, they don't change anything. You would actually think you would learn....obviously NOT!!
At the end of the day you lot fade away afterwards and the people of Edinburgh end up paying the bill. Lets face it you won't stick around to help with the clean up of any mess, spray painting,or damage you cause!
I agree with the comments of other Edinburgh Citizens I'll be glad when you lot piss off home.
Anarchy in the .... oh, whatever
06.07.2005 10:59
Now off home you go, have a nice bath - be careful not to get the nasty shampoo in your eyes, and then mummy will bring you some boiled eggs and soldiers, and read you a story.
Later we might go to the park and feed the ducks.
Don't put any more silly paint on your face - you know you will get spots.
What's that dearies - the nasty policemen hit you, and you weren't doing anything - never mind I'll go and tell his mummy later
Mr Realism
Mr Realism
09.07.2005 20:39
Some Edinburgh's residents lack any sense of humour
13.07.2005 11:10
I also come from a Southern country: you Southern man not there should be aware of the countries' different history and backgrounds, before criticising protests going on in Britain: this country has a tradition of cooperating with the police (incredible, yes) whilst in Argentina, in Bolivia, in Mexico, etc. the opposite is true . Now, remember one of the little Princes wearing a nazi badge, a photo which caused great turmoil a few months ago? Take it symbolically if you want: he was saying: "this is a FASCIST country".
What the military have been for those countries (Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Mexico etc etc) the police force is for Britain today: THEY don't make a "military coup" here, they don't shoot street protesters yet, but this is a police state, to become more clearly so.
Blackmailed by their glorious behaviour during the II World War, British mainstream media are constantly bombarding its audience with same message: be "defiant" (which means "business as usual"), obey whoever wears the government stamp : this is called Civil Obedience and is the real plague of any intelligent activism.
13.08.2005 11:06