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No Platinum backstage Pass for the poor! Live 8 – let’s bury it fast!

Neil Williams | 04.07.2005 18:03 | G8 2005

Live 8 was a distraction from the real issues. Lets put the politics back into this campaign.

No Platinum backstage Pass for the poor! Live 8 – let’s bury it fast!

Did you also want to throw up when you heard that at the Live 8 Concert those with Platinum invitation Cards were drinking champagne at £100 a bottle and being dined before the concert? (As reported in the Daily Mail today – not a paper I normally read but I read in free in a Costa’s café!).

How can this be right at a time when Live 8 was meant to about raising awareness on Poverty in Africa and around the world? It strange that the next concert is in Edinburgh on Wednesday at exactly the same time as people are meant to be protesting at Gleneagles! Far from raising awareness about poverty and African development the Live8 concert has been a huge distraction from the politics of the G8 Alternative Action in Edinburgh; what politics you may ask as we hardly heard any on Saturday. Its just been announced today that sales of Madonna’s music and many others who played at Live 8 have gone up many times over today. Am I the only one that feels a little bit worried about the whole Live 8 project?

Let’s get back to politics and take this campaign back onto the streets and start to debate the real issues.

See some good political articles on my Blog at:
The G8 Summit Alternative Action News Blog.

Neil Williams

Neil Williams
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it's not just the champagne

04.07.2005 23:14

just a quick information for those who haven't seen it: not just the platinum backstage passes and the sales and the whole event had been quite creepy, but especially one moment of the london show was outstanding: in london, bob geldof entered the stage and gave a very warm welcome to "one of the leading businessmen of our time" who does a lot against poverty in the world, and he was happy to announce: Bill Gates! people were clapping and enthusiastic to listen to bill's short statement. and then he was off again. no more questions, no more is needed to be said.
