Medics targetted by police and Police not calling ambulances for head injuries
fuzz | 04.07.2005 16:20 | G8 2005
A report from a medic 4/7 17:00 Edinburg: Police are targetting Medics, they are often searched, and have been arrested. This person also reports that Police have refused to call ambulances for unconscious people with head injuries.
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04.07.2005 18:29
It seems unbelievable that people providing care and support are being deliberately targetted. However, I guess this means that we shouldnt be naive in thinking that we can provide this support and be external to the protests.
healing trauma team
Alleged closure of medical facilities to protesters
04.07.2005 19:36
That seems completely implausible and very worrying that they might have attempted to prevent people accessing medical care. Has anyone else heard of this happening at any other depts in Edinburgh ?
make your voice heard - let the medics do their job!
05.07.2005 13:59
The G8 medics come from a variety of backgrounds and are a variety of ages, and we have a variety of political beliefs. But we all believe that the injured have a right to be cared for - this is international law, incidentally.
We began planning for the G8 nearly a year ago. We all trained voluntarily to a high standard, and continued to freely train others, we fundraised round the clock for months(and raided our own pockets) to get the money together to buy supplies to use and give out, and we got loads of support in this from our local communities, as well as from professional medical folks.
What does it take to get respect from the police for people's basic rights - the right to medical care - not to mention the right to resist oppression without ending *needing* medical care as a result...
I ask everyone who believes in those rights makes complaints to the police about this, NOW, so that medics can work unimpeded during the rest of this week, and in the future.
Happens all the time
05.07.2005 14:17
They will do anything, repeat anything to try and maintain 'order'. Containment is the buzword and we are well used to it by now. They stop at nothing in their quest to complete this mission. They are utter scum and their mum hates em and thinks they smell of wee and dresses em funny.
Any misapprehensions people on yesterdays demo may have or any misguided notions of the british bobby theat were held will have been eroded after experiencing some of the reported brutallity.
The pigs in the UK mainland may not shoot us...yet, but as with all pig forces, the evil knows no bounds, their contempt for life no equal apart from the masters they serve with no questions asked about the destruction and plunder that is reaped upon our planet everyday.
Fuck pigs...big up the medics. SHUT DOWN THE SUMMIT...Do SUMMIT special to a pig today
Pikey chavs against the G8
QUestion Everything
05.07.2005 20:00
Rumours are useless. I think we need to post things backed up by actual fact, especially news about police locking people in or out of hospitals.
Its easy enough to hurl abuse at the established media for controlling the public with fear---are you, the independant rumour-mongers any better?
Retaliation is a mug's game
05.07.2005 20:34
Comments such as the above don't really lend much weight to the 'we were all victimised by the police when we weren't doing anything' claims.
If people are to believe that it's a peaceful group of people, then we need to -be- a peaceful group of people who don't attack the police.
Self defence is a natural reaction
06.07.2005 00:55
06.07.2005 15:00
I am a Street Medic who get arrested last monday during the carnival in edimburgh, my crime?? help people!!! I was retained for up to 24 hours and accused afterwards of a coordinated anarchist complot against the police with another 20 people,this is absoluty stupid since all those charged with this were people from all over the world who has never meet before, some of us were finally realesed with the condiction of leave scotland or keep out of glenagles area and edimburgh and glagow city centre until further evidences obtained but some of us have been driven back to prision for a week.
Ones again unjustice and state terrorism has been present, basic rights as an independent solicitor has been denied and the people charged as organizers have been arbitrary selected and those who were not able to provide a uk adress are still in prision, some people is loosing their flys back home and some of them were coming from countrys as far from here as Israel, Germany or Poland and they may not have money to pay for another one. I'm encouraging everybody to colavorate, donate and support for the freedom of this people. OUTSIDE AND INSIDE THEIR PRISIONS.. LA LUCHA CONTINUA!!!