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g8 summit video quick links | 04.07.2005 13:58 | G8 2005

G8 summit video quicklinks: having trouble viewing? scroll down to the links to download codecs and media players at the bottom of this page.

For screening quality films from the G8 and more, see:

Two short G8 interviews on Climate change and Africa

Make Poverty History march video: will marching round Edinburgh change the world?

G8 bikeride video, aprox 18 mins long film with interviews of cyclists

Kinoklast's Faslane Really Big Blockade video -

10min video of Auchterader G8 Alternatives March - 6th of July 2005 - Kinoklast -

San Fransisco anti-G8 solidarity demo

KanalB, blocking the street video

An individual from Sheffields' G8 videos:Rinky Dink soundsystem, 3 mins silence and its noisy ending,Street party outside Indymedia centre, street party outside Indymedia with the Infernal noise brigade

Minsk, Belarus, solidarity with G8 protesters

KanalB Boogie on the Bridge street party video, Glasgow 08.07.05

Infernal Noise Brigade at Gleneagles

Interview with Rose Gentle, mother of Gordon Gentle, a young soldier killed in Iraq, about Blairs' incencere 'sympathy for the families' of dead soldiers

KanalB's film clips: Perth, 06.07.2005, busses of the G8-alternatives get stopped by the police in Perth...

Solidarity action of Russian activists

M9 drumming Blockade and Cow Stampede

Explosive interview - Stop and search techniques woefully inadequate

Blockade interview on the A9 between Stirling and Gleneagles,06.07.05

Police prevent journalist from documenting arrest on video

Firoze from Kenya talking critically about live 8, plus Marcello from Brazil and Ewa from Poland on the influence of the G8 to them

Video rushes from Gleneagles 06.07.05

G8 fence breach video

Dispatches from the frontline at Gleneagles

Fast-thinking blockaders delay Japanese delegate for 30 mins

Police take and cut a bicycle lock from a cyclist riding along the A9, then won't give their numbers

Video from Monday of police brutality, 'Not Riots But Orchestrated Police Training'

Crazy Bob Geldof Interview. Rather than comment on Bill Gates, he licked the camera.

Benny from west papua on the G8

Police prevent an IMC journalist from documenting an arrest on video

Locals retaliate after Police overreact. Edinburgh residents clear the streets of drafted in Police.

Faslane Blocade - Real Nice short of Monday's blocade.

Make Borders History - 3rd July Glasgow - A walking tour of Migration Control

Peacefull protest at faslane

Clowns to the rescue? What happened on Sat 2nd when CIRCA found out a Black Block had been penned in by Police.

Protesters face huge Police overreaction but keep a good Vibe. Bystanders are also shut in by Police.

Carnival of Full Enjoyment penned in at Canning Street by police - 5 clips

Video Clowns chase away Police - very funny!

Ayian from Ethiopia living in the UK, and an activist from South Africa on the G8

Video: police collect in princess st - real media

video: arrest outside the forrest cafe Edinburgh 2nd/3rd.07.05

Clown Army press conference

G8 in Edinburgh. Watch how the autonmous groups migrate...

Infernal Noise Brigade - Full song - Forest Cafe Edinburg

Demonstrations in Sheffield at the G8 Justice ministers meeting June 2005

//Good Background Stuff, issues etc.

A clip from Rob Newman supporting the cause at the Caber8 on the 1st July 05

Rob Newman at the Caber8 - Live support from Rob

Auchtapalava -voxpops of local residents

Trapese Road show and the G8 2005

Random short bits - 2nd July ///

Strange Fence:

G8 Leaders Cakes:
Cakes with the faces of the leaders of all the countries that didn't get invited to the G8.

G8 heads of state:
The best kids game ever.

Make Consumerism History block:

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Hide the following 8 comments

Locals attacking cops near Princes Mall - AVI version?

05.07.2005 12:20

The video footage of the locals throwing stuff at Police is not right, it links to other footage, maybe you could put this up if you get a chance, thanks

imc Eire

Xvid Avi Version uploading - and Help

05.07.2005 14:28

Sorry about that a correction has been made - and a full quality Xvid avi version is uploading - it will be online this afternoon. Here it is again.

If you are having trouble watching Xvid avi files, you need to download the codec here.

imc-uk-video at g8
mail e-mail:

Beyond TV URL's don't work!

05.07.2005 18:00

Links that work

Strange Fence:

G8 Leaders Cakes:
Cakes with the faces of the leaders of all the countries that didn't get invited to the G8.

G8 heads of state:
The best kids game ever.

Make Consumerism History block:


videos on G8 Gleneagles, Scotland 2005

09.07.2005 16:58

several clips on the G8 can be found here:


rush from the Carnival for full Enjoyment

10.07.2005 20:39

rush from the Carnival for full Enjoyment here :


Get your facts straight before criticising the police...

12.07.2005 11:49

Regarding your video clip of the G8 protester arrest.... The whole theme of the clip appears to be that the arrest was illegal due to the officers not wearing identification. This opinion is entirely wrong, as powers under the Terrorism Act had been invoked for the duration of the G8 summit protest and under the Terrorism Act, no form of identifaction has to be offered by police officers.

Police officers are charged with a difficult enough task as it is. Idiots running around shoving camcorders in their faces and throwing a barrage of ill-informed questions at them does nothing to help the situation.


torment the police as much as possible

22.07.2005 09:38

where's the black bloc blockade demo gone? I thought it was posted here, has it been removed, and why?


G8 documentary

13.08.2005 00:03

The norwegian group Spis de Rike (Eat the Rich) has made a small documentary on the protests in Edinburgh, Faslane, Gleneagles and more.

Watch it at (english) .

Spis de Rike
- Homepage: