Confrontation between anarchist bloc and cops.
Guido | 03.07.2005 00:56 | G8 2005 | Globalisation | Repression
Today there was a minor ruck between the anarchist bloc and local plods who seemed to be taking their orders from MET Police.
I have no idea how it started as I arrived late. The cops chased the aformentioned anarchos around the streets close to the university. There was little violence from either side, I guess it was just too hot to riot. Eventually the cops surrounded the bloc and did the usual stop and search and gather intelligence thing that they have rehearsed so well. As far as IMC knows there were no arrests.
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oh dear
03.07.2005 09:18
Oh Dear
03.07.2005 10:18
quick point
03.07.2005 12:57
04.07.2005 00:46
04.07.2005 12:24
04.07.2005 13:23
doctor who
The Resembalnce
05.07.2005 00:58
Christopher Day
Police Hassled more than Anarchists
05.07.2005 16:34
We were stopped at the Port of Stranraer on arrival on Friday, and had all our luggage removed before any permission was given and every bag was searched. We were all required (including children under 16) to fill out a "Landing Card" detailing Name, Address and other details, our photo's were taken and our bags were all searched. A sniffer dog was used. A few more dogs were contained in a second van and appeared to be crowd control alsatians, rather than sniffers.
People with legal training and media personnel travelling on the bus questioned the police forcefully and they looked very uncomfortable. At one stage whilst we were sitting around waiting on the other 2 buses being searched a senior officer asked us to get back on our bus. The response from one member of our group was "F*ck off" and he thought better of pursuing the issue and relented.
In all we were stuck for 3 hours on a hot day with many children as young as 5.
In another incident the police formed a cordon around the crowd watching speakers at the Stop the War Coalition Stage to the East of the Meadows. Around 60 officers moved in quietly and surrounded the speakers, creating a definite air of tension. This was prior to a speech by George Galloway, the crowd were a mix of women with children and other activists, and were mostly seated on the ground relaxing. The police would not respond to questioning about their presence.
I can only guess that their purpose was to create tension and thus deter casual passers by from being corrupted by the rhetoric of Mr Galloway and his like.
Democracy in action...