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ake poverty History???????????

Nofou | 02.07.2005 21:34 | G8 2005

First of all whats with a corporate sponsered Demo and movement.

Does MPH realy mean any thing if its sponsered by Companies like Nokia?

Why were the anti_capitalist penned in? and if the police were unprovoked why was there a charge at the line not some thing like a sit down or less agressive retaliation like a sit down or tikleing ( the police are likley to be thretened so be more tikelish). Don't start gong on about this being hippy tacktic shit to me either cos the more ppl arested 2 day the less support we have for glenegals. if ne one knows about someone being arested for tikcling please do tell.

Why did the anti-capitalist block meet some where so seporate from the medos shurly if we met at some corner of the main gathering pint it would be much harder to pen us in.

Latstly this was the moste uncomfortable fake and forced march i have been on. altho f15 2003 was the most inefective.

I am abouve spelling if u caint work it out sound it out phoneticaly.



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Wake up and smell the corporate coffee

03.07.2005 09:50

Ok, you're probably not going to appreciate this, but... Nokia, Orange, HMV, Virgin and all the other mainstream brands who supported Make Poverty History are to be commended not condemned. Like it or loathe it, large corporations can make a massive difference to those suffering in the third world. A garment maker deciding to pay their workers even a few pence more per garment goes a much greater way to fighting poverty than you might think. I've lived and worked in both the third world and europe, and i have seen the it can make. Moving make poverty history into the mainstream public consciousness actuallly raises awareness for your cause. Rather than just condemning it, embrace it and use it to your advantage. Use it well and the third world will benefit. Abuse it, and you may end up alienating people and you won't suffer - but the third world will face another set back.

PS. What brand is your mobile phone then???
