Liverpool Against G8 / What's it all about
nfn | 02.07.2005 19:10 | G8 2005 | Liverpool
This article is a round-up of G8 info:
- Liverpool Against the G8
- Events in Scotland this week
- Resources & info for protesting & direct action, including G8 Legal Support info
- Liverpool Against the G8
- Events in Scotland this week
- Resources & info for protesting & direct action, including G8 Legal Support info
While Radio 1 burbles on about how a bunch of corporate rock acts playing some concerts is a 'historic' event, hundreds of thousands of people who know that this week is about SO much more than a vague good intention to 'help poor people in Africa', are making their way to Scotland.
They're going to protest against a system in which a handful of people get rich on the backs of everybody else, that has killed millions through war, poverty and starvation, and that is destroying the environment. They know that corporate greed preys on us right here in Britain as well as out there in Africa and elsewhere. They're protesting the presence of war-criminal George Bush. But they are also going to plan & live out an alternative, fairer, more peaceful world.
- several groups from Liverpool travelled to Edinburgh to take part in the Make Poverty History March today 2nd July
- others have joined the Dissent rural convergence camp for the week to protest at Edinburgh, Faslane, Dungavel and Gleneagles.
“The Hori-zone is an autonomous, convergence space at Borrowmeadow Farm, FK7 7SQ ,Stirling open from 1st - 9th July. It is a zone of self-organisation, horizontal decision making,ecology and autonomy in action. It is a radical campsite in resistance to the G8. It is space where people can organize in an open and participatory way, inviting all to take hold of their own lives and take a part in the creation of their own futures. ”
More info:
- Globalise Resistance activists have organized a coach to Gleneagles on Wednesday 6th July: Coach leaves the Philharmonic Hall on Hope Street at 5.45am, returning on the same day. Tickets priced at £20 (please contact us to negotiate concessions) To book tickets, please contact Tom on 07876 798 344 or Nik on 07932 829 917. Tickets are available from News from Nowhere Bookshop on Bold Street.
The latest issue of Nerve magazine has several features about the impact of corporate globalisation right here at home:
New Kensington No Post Office - Globalisation acting locally in Liverpool.
Interview with George Monbiot
Regeneration - the name of the game? - Liverpool a 'clone town'?
Poverty Of Ideas - How inequality has increased under New Labour
Between Promises and Reality - Migrant Workers
**All Week** - Days of Dissent/Edinburgh Convergence 2005/Turning Ideas Into Action
“Running from the 30th of June the Teviot Space will be a hub of vital interaction during the week of resistance to the G8 summit. Daily plenaries to talk about actions and events, meetings, seminars, workshops, films and exhibitions to explore and highlight the diversity and strength of the movements of movements converging in Scotland. The Teviot is a free, open and autonmous space for urgently needed public debates addressing the real issues behind topics such as climate change and poverty. A space where thousands of people will converge to create, debate and question thereby celebrating that another world is not only possible - it is already living. ”
More info:
**Sunday 3rd July **
Edinburgh - G8 Alternatives Summit
Edinburgh - Counter Conference
Glasgow – Make Borders History Tour
**Monday 4th July**
Blockade Faslane nuclear base - “put a spanner in
the works of global militarism - We won't just be saying a resounding 'NO' to militarism and oppression, or to wars
fought on the pretext of stopping others getting WMDs. We won't just be saying no to politicians who demand others obey International Law whilst flouting it themselves. We won't only be pointing out the criminal behaviour of spending so much money on weapons while half the world starves. We won't just be highlighting the hypocrisy of talking about poverty without mentioning war.
We will be doing all these things, but we're not just going to be talking – we're also going to be taking direct , practical, non-violent action to do something about it . We're going to shut down the largest military base in Scotland for the day.
More info:
**Tuesday 5th July**
Protest at Dungavel Asylum Detention Centre – show support for the asylum seekers who are locked up there. People seeking asylum (who've often been through persecution and horrific ordeals in their home country) are being locked up in detention centres like Dungavel. Detention is being used regardless of the way it is supposed to be used - i.e. people (incl children) being locked up even if they have shown they are willing to report back to the authorities when required, when they are no danger
to anyone and so on.
For the demo - the walls/fences are very high, so it's a good idea to
use kites & balloons to carry messages (in multiple languages if
possible) of support & solidarity that the detainees will be able to
see. Also: bring stuff to make a noise/music that they will be able
to hear.
Close Dungavel : Voices Across Barriers
11:00am July 5th Dungavel Detention Center
Detention of people who have sought
asylum - Amnesty article June 2005:
** Wednesday 6th July – Friday 8th July **
Demonstrate Against the G8 Summit at Gleneagles
Tips for De-escalating Conflict
Manchester Earth First 'Guide to Public Order Situations
*Activist's Guide to Scots Law*
*Bust Card*
(n.b. the pdf version of the bust card does not include the
solicitor's phone numbers - the numbers are on the webpage and
included below)
Contact numbers:
G8 LEGAL SUPPORT GROUP: Contact us if you are detained, arrested or
witness an arrest (and to let us know when you are released).
Tel: 0845 223 5258 OR 07704 265 843
- Beltrami Berlow: 0131 554 0999 / 0141 554 0999
- Clare Ryan: 0141 558 0234 / 07977 000 312
The Tayside Police website has summit updates:
Other points
- The police are setting up mass detention centres near Gleneagles -
i.e. handy places to put people they arrest.
- in the event of police assault (if you witness or are victim of it):
try & get their badge numbers, get contact details for independent
witnesses, get photo/video evidence, take immediate pictures of any injuries, write a contemporaneous account of what happened (i.e. in
your own words, as soon as you can after it happens - carries more
weight than something you write down sometime after the incident.
i.e. avoiding doing damage to the environment in the course of protesting.
- don't buy your supplies for the trip from Tescos/Asda and other
corporate multi-nationals (defeats the object totally) - use
locally-owned shops & businesses. e.g. Mattas International Food
store on Bold St, World Shop likewise on Bold Street, Windmill
Wholefoods on Smithdown Road.
- get yourself a big water container for water for the campsite (they
come collapsible)
- also take a medium-sized plastic bottle that
you can carry your water in (& re-use during the week!) for the
various days out.
- take your rubbish home
- leave the countryside as you find it - if a gate was open leave it
open, if a gate was closed, close it behind you, don't go tramping
over crops.
- Going to the loo - (gents, do not spray arbitrarily around the
countryside!) - dig a hole to do your business (of either variety) in
and bury it afterwards. (Take a garden trowel? you can get
plastic ones, if you're worried about a metal one being mistaken for a weapon).
- transport - going for more than a day, and / or sharing transport /
using public transport, will minimize the pollution you'll be causing.
Protest locally.
They're going to protest against a system in which a handful of people get rich on the backs of everybody else, that has killed millions through war, poverty and starvation, and that is destroying the environment. They know that corporate greed preys on us right here in Britain as well as out there in Africa and elsewhere. They're protesting the presence of war-criminal George Bush. But they are also going to plan & live out an alternative, fairer, more peaceful world.
- several groups from Liverpool travelled to Edinburgh to take part in the Make Poverty History March today 2nd July
- others have joined the Dissent rural convergence camp for the week to protest at Edinburgh, Faslane, Dungavel and Gleneagles.
“The Hori-zone is an autonomous, convergence space at Borrowmeadow Farm, FK7 7SQ ,Stirling open from 1st - 9th July. It is a zone of self-organisation, horizontal decision making,ecology and autonomy in action. It is a radical campsite in resistance to the G8. It is space where people can organize in an open and participatory way, inviting all to take hold of their own lives and take a part in the creation of their own futures. ”
More info:

- Globalise Resistance activists have organized a coach to Gleneagles on Wednesday 6th July: Coach leaves the Philharmonic Hall on Hope Street at 5.45am, returning on the same day. Tickets priced at £20 (please contact us to negotiate concessions) To book tickets, please contact Tom on 07876 798 344 or Nik on 07932 829 917. Tickets are available from News from Nowhere Bookshop on Bold Street.
The latest issue of Nerve magazine has several features about the impact of corporate globalisation right here at home:
New Kensington No Post Office - Globalisation acting locally in Liverpool.
Interview with George Monbiot
Regeneration - the name of the game? - Liverpool a 'clone town'?
Poverty Of Ideas - How inequality has increased under New Labour
Between Promises and Reality - Migrant Workers

**All Week** - Days of Dissent/Edinburgh Convergence 2005/Turning Ideas Into Action
“Running from the 30th of June the Teviot Space will be a hub of vital interaction during the week of resistance to the G8 summit. Daily plenaries to talk about actions and events, meetings, seminars, workshops, films and exhibitions to explore and highlight the diversity and strength of the movements of movements converging in Scotland. The Teviot is a free, open and autonmous space for urgently needed public debates addressing the real issues behind topics such as climate change and poverty. A space where thousands of people will converge to create, debate and question thereby celebrating that another world is not only possible - it is already living. ”
More info:

**Sunday 3rd July **
Edinburgh - G8 Alternatives Summit

Edinburgh - Counter Conference

Glasgow – Make Borders History Tour

**Monday 4th July**
Blockade Faslane nuclear base - “put a spanner in
the works of global militarism - We won't just be saying a resounding 'NO' to militarism and oppression, or to wars
fought on the pretext of stopping others getting WMDs. We won't just be saying no to politicians who demand others obey International Law whilst flouting it themselves. We won't only be pointing out the criminal behaviour of spending so much money on weapons while half the world starves. We won't just be highlighting the hypocrisy of talking about poverty without mentioning war.
We will be doing all these things, but we're not just going to be talking – we're also going to be taking direct , practical, non-violent action to do something about it . We're going to shut down the largest military base in Scotland for the day.
More info:

**Tuesday 5th July**
Protest at Dungavel Asylum Detention Centre – show support for the asylum seekers who are locked up there. People seeking asylum (who've often been through persecution and horrific ordeals in their home country) are being locked up in detention centres like Dungavel. Detention is being used regardless of the way it is supposed to be used - i.e. people (incl children) being locked up even if they have shown they are willing to report back to the authorities when required, when they are no danger
to anyone and so on.
For the demo - the walls/fences are very high, so it's a good idea to
use kites & balloons to carry messages (in multiple languages if
possible) of support & solidarity that the detainees will be able to
see. Also: bring stuff to make a noise/music that they will be able
to hear.
Close Dungavel : Voices Across Barriers
11:00am July 5th Dungavel Detention Center

Detention of people who have sought
asylum - Amnesty article June 2005:

** Wednesday 6th July – Friday 8th July **
Demonstrate Against the G8 Summit at Gleneagles
Tips for De-escalating Conflict

Manchester Earth First 'Guide to Public Order Situations


*Activist's Guide to Scots Law*

*Bust Card*

(n.b. the pdf version of the bust card does not include the
solicitor's phone numbers - the numbers are on the webpage and
included below)
Contact numbers:
G8 LEGAL SUPPORT GROUP: Contact us if you are detained, arrested or
witness an arrest (and to let us know when you are released).
Tel: 0845 223 5258 OR 07704 265 843

- Beltrami Berlow: 0131 554 0999 / 0141 554 0999
- Clare Ryan: 0141 558 0234 / 07977 000 312
The Tayside Police website has summit updates:

Other points
- The police are setting up mass detention centres near Gleneagles -
i.e. handy places to put people they arrest.
- in the event of police assault (if you witness or are victim of it):
try & get their badge numbers, get contact details for independent
witnesses, get photo/video evidence, take immediate pictures of any injuries, write a contemporaneous account of what happened (i.e. in
your own words, as soon as you can after it happens - carries more
weight than something you write down sometime after the incident.
i.e. avoiding doing damage to the environment in the course of protesting.
- don't buy your supplies for the trip from Tescos/Asda and other
corporate multi-nationals (defeats the object totally) - use
locally-owned shops & businesses. e.g. Mattas International Food
store on Bold St, World Shop likewise on Bold Street, Windmill
Wholefoods on Smithdown Road.
- get yourself a big water container for water for the campsite (they
come collapsible)
- also take a medium-sized plastic bottle that
you can carry your water in (& re-use during the week!) for the
various days out.
- take your rubbish home
- leave the countryside as you find it - if a gate was open leave it
open, if a gate was closed, close it behind you, don't go tramping
over crops.
- Going to the loo - (gents, do not spray arbitrarily around the
countryside!) - dig a hole to do your business (of either variety) in
and bury it afterwards. (Take a garden trowel? you can get
plastic ones, if you're worried about a metal one being mistaken for a weapon).
- transport - going for more than a day, and / or sharing transport /
using public transport, will minimize the pollution you'll be causing.
Protest locally.
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