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first photos of the make poverty history demo in edinburgh

IMC-UK | 02.07.2005 11:59 | G8 2005 | Social Struggles | London

the first photos of the make poverty history demo as it sets off on its circuit of Edinburgh.

a sea of white...
a sea of white...

the demo begins...
the demo begins...

scottish liberal democrats..
scottish liberal democrats..

make poverty history critical mass..
make poverty history critical mass..

no more war..
no more war..

it just gets bigger and bigger...
it just gets bigger and bigger...

and bigger!
and bigger!

the first photos...



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Keep it up!

02.07.2005 14:05

Great pictures! Wish I could have been there. I just signed the Make Poverty History petition sent to Tony Blair - for those like me who couldn't rally, please check out the sites and sign the petitions! Have a great week ahead - keep up the good work!


perfect day spoiled by a pixie

03.07.2005 07:18

With 225,000 folk of all races and creeds marching to create positive energy and focus to the vital issues for the world, it was sad and disappointing to have hand written obscenities like "fuck the G8" thrust in my hand by a 7 yr old child( a "pixie" of Pete's apparently )while her parents laughed hysterically----
In Africa kids are literally dying for a decent education ----this is just an insult to them.


how so?

03.07.2005 23:45

Why was it an insult to the african people, scot? They are prolly saying the same thing over there.


Rise up!!

04.07.2005 03:28

Great pictures people, gave me goosebumps, thanks to all who made the journey, and to those going further ;O) Do it for all of us here in Perth who couldnt make it..

Dave in Perth Australia