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A. Friend | 02.07.2005 06:56 | G8 2005 | Repression

It is a well known fact that police do not like paperwork.

If you are searched the police are required to prepare a time-consuming search report.


Section A.

4 Recording requirements

4.1 An officer who has carried out a search in the exercise of any power to which this Code applies, must make a record of it at the time, unless there are exceptional circumstances which would make this wholly impracticable (e.g. in situations involving public disorder or when the officer’s presence is urgently required elsewhere). If a record is not made at the time, the officer must do so as soon as practicable afterwards. There may be situations in which it is not practicable to obtain the information necessary to complete a record, but the officer should make every reasonable effort to do so.

4.12 When an officer requests a person in a public place to account for themselves, i.e. their actions, behaviour, presence in an area or possession of anything, a record of the encounter must be completed at the time and a copy given to the person who has been questioned. The record must identify the name of the officer who has made the stop and conducted the encounter. This does not apply under the exceptional circumstances outlined in paragraph 4.1 of this code.

4.3 The following information must always be included in the record of a search even if the person does not wish to provide any personal details:
(i) the name of the person searched, or (if it is withheld) a description; 12
(ii) a note of the person’s self-defined ethnic background; [See Note 18]
(iii) when a vehicle is searched, its registration number; [See Note 17]
(iv) the date, time, and place that the person or vehicle was first detained;
(v) the date, time and place the person or vehicle was searched (if different from (iv));
(vi) the purpose of the search;
(vii) the grounds for making it, or in the case of those searches mentioned in paragraph 2.1(b) and (c), the nature of the power and of any necessary authorisation and the fact that it has been given; [See Note 17]
(viii) its outcome (e.g. arrest or no further action);
(ix) a note of any injury or damage to property resulting from it;
(x) subject to paragraph 3.8(a), the identity of the officer making the search. [See Note 15]

A. Friend


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  1. Scotland? — A.Friend.