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G8 train leaves kings x 'let's go save the world!'

un | 01.07.2005 20:22 | G8 2005

The beginning of a short film about the train leaving Kings x London, I was going to start with a nice wide to introduce it, when before I had finished my sentence...........

after my search and the camera had been turned off I asked the station manager (a scotsman) why I was not allowed to film but police where allowed to film everyone who crossed onto the G8 trains platform, I was told that that was not my concern and none of my business!!



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please provide none microsoft version

01.07.2005 23:15

I can't view the video on either my friends Mac or on my own linux machine. Please please upload videos in non proprietry formats such as mpg4 or divx or at least use a format that can easily be viewed cross platform such as .mov


yes sorry for the .wmv format

02.07.2005 07:19

but i only have windows movie maker on my windows pc, i have not found yet any other free software that will mpeg dv video and save as mpeg or .mov.


Suggest you try...

02.07.2005 10:22

Try using VirtualDub, BBMPEG or TMPEGenc to encode.

If you want a good video editor I'd recommend Vegas (not free)

While recommending software, Media Player Classic and VideoLanClient are bloody great media players.


demo on Strasbourg 5-t

02.07.2005 18:44

yeah, lets fight against software patterns in strassburg five july - perfect timing info !!!!
