Helicopter Disturbance
Papperkash | 30.06.2005 23:23 | Health
My neighbourhood is constantly suffering from helicopter noise disturbances, anyone else interested in kicking up a stink if you are in the same boat?
Every so often the same helicopter (yellow and black) comes flying over our house at late hours of the night. It circles for a while and then flies off. It doesn't seem to have infra red lights on and it's not like it seems to be following anything; there is no sirens or anything to suggest that it should be their on official visits.
This helicopter flies quite low. I wonder how the pilot would like it, if i was to make noise outside his house at a late hour.
I wonder if anyone else has suffered. If you have then get in touch with me at mrfairsquare@yahoo.co.uk Maybe there is some kind of action we could take in order to prevent this from happening.
If anyone has any suggestions for me in order to stop these inconsiderate people then please write to me and share you tips.
This helicopter flies quite low. I wonder how the pilot would like it, if i was to make noise outside his house at a late hour.
I wonder if anyone else has suffered. If you have then get in touch with me at mrfairsquare@yahoo.co.uk Maybe there is some kind of action we could take in order to prevent this from happening.
If anyone has any suggestions for me in order to stop these inconsiderate people then please write to me and share you tips.
Hide the following 19 comments
01.07.2005 04:34
01.07.2005 07:38
Thanks for the suggestions though.
Yellow and Blue
01.07.2005 07:59
Having to endure the same problem, especially on Friday and Saturday nights into the early hours I personally think this is anti-social behaviour and ASBOs ought to be issued to the police authorities. Fat chance!
Incidentally, as a former helicopter engineer, I know how much it costs to put one in the air for an hour, many thousands of quid. I was told recently that a helicopter was launched to chase somebody who had stolen a £75 car stereo.
01.07.2005 08:03
Complain to the CAA
01.07.2005 08:12
The body to complain to is the Civil Aviation Authority. It will help if you have the helicopter's registration number, but a description, time, date and location (lat and long) will do.
There is no requirement for helicopters to be fitted with sirens. The only lights required are navigation lights.
chopper troubles
01.07.2005 13:13
i lived in armley in leeds and would constantly have the police chopper over my house. one night i decided to record it (i am sad yes). the recording lasts the whole side of tape which is about 45 minutes.
my mum lives in lancaster and the same problem is encountered there. however not just the police but military choppers too.
when i stayed there a couple of years back i had a large miltary helicopter hover outside the bedroom window with its infrared on looking straight at me whilst i sat up in bed watching it. you can tell the infrared is looking at you cos the red light has a strange quality - like looking down a lazer beam. it did this for about 20 minutes.
theres about a billion conspiracy theories about this. one thing i do know is that helicopters are used by the state for surveilance.
also my dad saw some ufos one night. no big deal. sure enough tho the next night the chopper was out following the flight path of the ufos.
a connection perhaps?
01.07.2005 17:23
UFO's are man made. Nikole Tesla is behind that. UFO's are powered by extremely high voltage pulse signals which effect the omnipresent ether all around us. Scientist today still believe e=mc2 which is crap and also are relectunt to admit the presence of the ether. This is of course all carefully coordinated by the illuminati controlling forces to keep a technology from us that would cripple the worlds most powerful elite. the ufo's are propelled by an electropropulsive force anything else that you may see on tv/film etc is likely to be lies orchistrated by the you know who. There two biggest lies in this field are 1) ufo's don't exist
2) aliens pilot them
They created both sides of the story to play it off one another, sounds familiar doesn't it. playing people/groups off one another. e.g ww1, ww2.
Anyway back to the matter in hand. i'll write a couple of letters, it may not achieve much but it's better than just tolerating it.
references for the above "William Lyne: Occult Ether Physics" available on www.mininova.org for free download.
e-mail: mrfairsquare@yahoo.co.uk
The ether exists?
01.07.2005 21:28
Safety of helicopters above crowds
02.07.2005 13:22
Helicopters are fantastically expensive to run - think how many constables you could employ instead, but also have a much poorer safety record than fixed wing aircraft. Due in part to the efforts of the Civil Aviation Authority, aviation safety standards in the UK are among the best in the world. The CAA imposes restrictions on helicopter operation, in particular minimum altitude for single engine craft, but the risk of helicopter loss remains.
The loss of a helicopter used in crowd policing would have extremely serious consequences for large numbers of people on the ground. The evacuation of hundreds of thousands of people today from Edinburgh or Hyde Park would be extremely difficult, and those who would not be endangered by the aircraft could well be crushed in a fleeing and panicing crowd.
For some applications eg search and rescue and servicing offshore oil and gas platforms there is no alternative to helicopter transport, and most people are detered from making frivilous helicopter journeys by the cost. Cost is however no deterent to frivolous helicopter use by the police because the taxpayer will always foot the bill, and there have been many examples of helicopters used to persue petty criminals. One police force authorised a flight to gather evidence against a motorist contesting a traffic ticket.
One hopes therefore that when considering the use of helicopter surveilance in crowd policing that the risk to the crowd in the event of helicopter loss is offset against the safety benefit of improved crowd surveilance.
Chopper issues
04.07.2005 13:21
Does anyone have any idea what is an acceptable decibel in the authorities eyes? Does anyone have a meter?
e-mail: ed.siebert@cleancutrecords.co.uk
HM Coastguard/Police
27.07.2005 10:26
Just read through your comments on the Helicopter business - just to clarify a few points...
Up until september last year, I worked with all the emergency services helicopters as a member of the Local Coastguard team in Devon.
Below are the official colours of all search and rescue Aircraft
Police - Yellow and Black OR Yellow and Blue
Navy - Grey and Red
R.A.F - Yellow
Coastguard - White and Red with Orange markings on underside.
I have also fould an extract from a website which will hopefully clarify things a bit better.
"The Government recognise that helicopter noise can be disturbing. UK helicopter noise certification standards exist in relation to helicopter noise and are based on the International Civil Aviation Organisation's (ICAO) Annex 16—we both helped to establish, and have adopted, the international standard.
All civil aircraft fly subject to the legislation of the Air Navigation Order (ANO) and the Rules of the Air Regulations (RoA). These require that helicopters should not fly within 500 feet of any person, vessel, vehicle or structure (except when landing or taking off) nor below 1,000 feet over a congested area. Although these regulations are concerned primarily with safety, the height restrictions do give an incidental noise benefit.
There are no plans to introduce any further legislation on helicopter noise, but we seek reductions in noise at source by encouraging industry developments in aircraft and engine technology."
Hope this helps, i will try and find out some more info for you.
e-mail: shaun_howell@btopenworld.com
not a police helicopter
05.08.2005 13:51
I searched the avon and somerset police site, and it seems that their police copter is predominantly white (from the pictures):
Not sure if they've had it painted.
My thought is that the mystery helicopter could just be taking photographs for land development or other purposes. Have had many people coming to the door, trying to sell me arial-view pictures of my house, over the years.
Helicopter disturbance... answers!
24.08.2005 14:41
I called the police, who advised that their air support team was black and white, however, they advised I call the CAA. I did, and spoke with a very helpful gentleman who contacted the local police team to find out if it was them.
It was. The Chiltern team is based at RAF Benson, so could I suppose have been the same helicopter experienced in Bristol as well as all the way along the M4 in Thatcham.
I understand that on this occasion, they were called in to chase a burgler, which I dont mind them doing! I do think though that the police labelling should be clearly visible on the bottom of the helicopter and larger on the side, then we wouldnt have all these worries/problems. I am more than happy for the police to do their job.
Helicopter over Bristol
19.04.2006 00:18
Could someone please post a telephone number to call for complaints.
private chopper
16.07.2007 23:59
e-mail: noway@edinburgh.com
Homepage: http://none
Helicopter overhead
20.02.2008 21:06
Ben Flem
20.06.2008 08:23
I live in the center of Nottingham, and what seems like almost every day for 2 weeks there has been a police helicopter slowly hovering past my apartment.
Sometimes there is a police prison van with two support cars racing through the town, othertimes it's just helicopter on it's own.
I'm wondering if/why they use the helicopter for escorting a prision van? Seems a very expensive way to keep watch.
Helicopter Disturbance - One Or The Other....
13.08.2008 17:09
You can have the noise of the aircraft and protection, or you can have rid of the aircraft and crime ridden streets.
By experience, I have been woken up many times and cursed this helicopter for the racket it makes but then I realise it has a purpose in the air to keep us all safe.
Conclusion: We will all have to live with it
e-mail: simon2710@hotmail.com
Surveillance, perhaps?
19.08.2010 17:56
Me and my friends were walking along this field, and we see this helicopter hovering just a few hundred feet from where we were standing. It was blue and yellow, and seemed to stay in visual range of us. We were doing nothing special, just walking.
The helicopter seemed to follow us for about an hour, so we decided to make our way back to our houses. As my friends went back, I carried on, but was aware of this activity and took a longer route, just to make sure that it was actually following me. And it did. All the way back to my house. and as soon as I got in, I looked from the window and saw it was gone.
My guess is this is some kind of surveillance, and it was scanning a few people on the ground, maybe. I didn't have much problem with the noise, but it definitely felt imposing.