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Make Richard Curtis History

Paul Kingsnorth | 30.06.2005 16:32 | G8 2005 | Social Struggles

The antidote to celebrity campaigners

Sick of Bob and Bono? Increasingly dubious about G8 marchers who seem to be on the side of the G8? Nearly threw up on your shoes when you saw The Girl In The Café?

Then sign up to my new Make Richard Curtis History campaign at and nominate which apolitical celebrity tosser you’d like to drown in a celebrity’s swimming pool. It’s just a bit of fun, and it’s better than listening to Elton John duet with Dido. Though I accept that isn’t saying much.

Paul Kingsnorth
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30.06.2005 18:12

Is this the Paul Kingsnorth who wrote the book ONE NO, MANY YESSES?


good reason for making richard curtis history

01.07.2005 21:17

Something Richard Curtis did 20 years ago should be remembered.It still functions as a cyclic national pogrom upon children, thanks to TV repeats and video.

He co-wrote Blackadder 2, including the episode Chains which was the sickest act of national hate in the modern European media's history. It treated school bullying as the victim's fault and gave national TV endorsement to hounding innocent victims with even further social mockery and contempt for a fantasised psychological likelihood to become villainous characters. This would be to "compensate" for the crimes done to them - for things not their fault. Laugh at people and conclude they want power and to become conquering tyrants, because an injustice has already happened to them that was not their fault. A member of that episode's cast, Stephen Fry, proposed in his book Moab Is My Washpot a definition of tyranny as "a culture that demands people apologise for anything that is not their fault", and has never shown any sign of noticing how that Blackadder episode was the most serious example in recent popular culture, targetting real kids in violent abusive situations on the day after its every showing.

and now the exposee on the MPH campaign tells us Curtis has been calculated the tenth most powerful man in Britain, for his ingratiation with power-mad New Labour. phew.

mogs, scotland

You really, really need to have a lie down

03.07.2005 12:56

"He co-wrote Blackadder 2, including the episode Chains which was the sickest act of national hate in the modern European media's history."

Oh dearie dearie me. After you've had a lie down, go and check out the fascist media's demonisation of other races during the nazi period. And then check out the anti "Argie@ stuff in the British national press during the Falklands War.

And then fuck off.

It's a SITCOM, for fucks sake