down due to server seizure
euskalinfo | 30.06.2005 00:27 | Repression
As you all know, on 27th July 2005 at about 5.30 the police seized Bristol Indymedia’s server. The server was seized as part of an investigation. However, it’s natural if people have doubts on the nature of the seize:
- it has occurred one week before the G8 Summit and when many Bristolians are busy in attending protests in Scotland and locally
- it is not the first time that Indymedia looses servers, - the national server was seized last October – it hosted 20 other Indymedia pages
- if we understand the nature of the accusation we can have more doubts too…
The reason for this communiqué is to add another issue to the equation. That server hosted also other pages, or at least our one, Euskalinfo ( – cache still available), the only update page in English o the Basque conflict in the world. We just noticed it when we went to update it and we have waited to confirm it and to see what happened.
Now we will act and find out how to get the server and the webpage back and to ask an explanation for such action. We believe tht the seizure of Bristol Indymedia is a huge violation of freedom of expression. However in the case of Euskalinfo there is not excuse, as this page is out of the investigation but totally affected a question: do you have to put pages down in order to investigate the source of some postings?).
In terms of Euskalinfo we have to say that the situation in the basque Country is tense. Possibilities of dialogue between the government and ETA are suggested. In the meantime the Spanish far-right has been mobilised to prevent them, while ETA is doing actions without casualties (this month ETA issued a declaration of not targeting politicians and it’s two years of not committing any deaths) to draw attention and to demonstrate its capability. In this situation, Euskalinfo feels necessary to inform and to provide alternative version of the conflict.
Euskalinfo will be spreading the information of this police abuse nationally and internationally.
Euskalinfo will work with BIndymedia to recover the server
Euskalinfo will approach relevant organizations and solicitors to ask advice and to challenge this attack.
Euskalinfo wants to thank in advance for spreading this information and to those who have helped us until now providing us technical support.
Euskalinfo wants to show its solidarity with Bristol Indymedia and those who have been arrested and are on bail.
Stop repression, stop censorship!
Bristol, 29th June 2005
More about Bristol Indymedia’s seizure:
More about previous UK seizure:
- it is not the first time that Indymedia looses servers, - the national server was seized last October – it hosted 20 other Indymedia pages
- if we understand the nature of the accusation we can have more doubts too…
The reason for this communiqué is to add another issue to the equation. That server hosted also other pages, or at least our one, Euskalinfo ( – cache still available), the only update page in English o the Basque conflict in the world. We just noticed it when we went to update it and we have waited to confirm it and to see what happened.
Now we will act and find out how to get the server and the webpage back and to ask an explanation for such action. We believe tht the seizure of Bristol Indymedia is a huge violation of freedom of expression. However in the case of Euskalinfo there is not excuse, as this page is out of the investigation but totally affected a question: do you have to put pages down in order to investigate the source of some postings?).
In terms of Euskalinfo we have to say that the situation in the basque Country is tense. Possibilities of dialogue between the government and ETA are suggested. In the meantime the Spanish far-right has been mobilised to prevent them, while ETA is doing actions without casualties (this month ETA issued a declaration of not targeting politicians and it’s two years of not committing any deaths) to draw attention and to demonstrate its capability. In this situation, Euskalinfo feels necessary to inform and to provide alternative version of the conflict.
Euskalinfo will be spreading the information of this police abuse nationally and internationally.
Euskalinfo will work with BIndymedia to recover the server
Euskalinfo will approach relevant organizations and solicitors to ask advice and to challenge this attack.
Euskalinfo wants to thank in advance for spreading this information and to those who have helped us until now providing us technical support.
Euskalinfo wants to show its solidarity with Bristol Indymedia and those who have been arrested and are on bail.
Stop repression, stop censorship!
Bristol, 29th June 2005
More about Bristol Indymedia’s seizure:

More about previous UK seizure:

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