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Manchester STOP BUSH Demo Weds 6th July

Greater Manchester Coalition to Stop the War | 28.06.2005 23:35 | G8 2005 | Anti-militarism | Globalisation

Stop this mad man and save the planet - Wednesday 6th July
Protest the day George W Bush arrives in Scotland for the G8
If you can't make the Gleneagles Demo or a Live8 concert or screening
Don't miss out - come and join this solidarity protest

Come to the
Manchester STOP BUSH solidarity Demo
Assemble 5pm Piccadilly Gardens, Manchester City Centre Wednesday 6th July.

Bring your banners, flags, placards, whistles, drums

PA - organised for a 'Speak Out' against the global village idiot

organised by
Greater Manchester Coalition to Stop the War &
Greater Manchester & District CND

Iraq, Palestine, Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay, Abu Ghraib. - Stop Bush's reign of terror

Greater Manchester Coalition to Stop the War
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how about STOP LABOUR????

01.07.2005 01:15


Would it make more sense to say STOP LABOUR?? and to campain against the Labour Govenment that sent troops to invade Iraq??

or is this away of defending British involvement by getting everyone focusing on the US involvment?


I agree

04.07.2005 12:36

While Blair is liberating Iraq and making poverty history, he is proposing to restrict trial by jury, bring in ID cards, restrict demonstrations in the centre of London, has made NHS dentistry unavailable to millions of working people, has presided over a widening gap between rich and poor in this country and the biggest prison population ever. We need to get rid of him before we worry how the rest of the world behaves.
