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AR activist arrested outside Thomas Cook in Worcester

Civil_Liberty | 28.06.2005 21:31 | Animal Liberation | Birmingham

Animal activist arrested for not giving over her name to filth during a Gateway to Hell demo outside Thomas Cook in Worcester.

Don't Thomas Cook it!
Don't Thomas Cook it!

Another fantastic demo happened outside Thomas Cook this afternoon in Worcester. Thomas Cook are still busy cashing in on flying tourists to the island of primate hell Mauritius, despite knowing full well that primates are brutally kidnapped on this island, held on monkey farms in disgusting conditions, then flown off the island crammed into the freezing cargo holds of popular tourist airlines, to be sadistically tortured and butchered at their destinations, the european vivisection laboratories.

Once again the petitions on the stall were filled in fluently, sheet after sheet, by disgusted members of the public horrified at Thomas Cook's refusal to put pressure on the Mauritian government (who it makes rich through the tourist industry) to revoke the licences of the evil money grabbing filth on the island of Mauritius who kidnap primates and sell them for their own filthy profits.

About an hour and ten minutes into the demo, a well organised west mercia police operation took place at the demo outside Thomas Cook. First three officers came and told activists that under section 19 of PACE that they were confiscating every leaflet, postcard and poster that had the Thomas Cook logo on it, all the time threatening to arrest activists for moving, and also that activists present faced up to ten years in jail for infringing copyright! Out came the see through plastic bags and into them went every Gateway to Hell leaflet concerning the beleagured Thomas Cook. Another six backup cops arrived shortly after in a car and a van.

Names and addresses were demanded, all but one gave the info over. This activist was arrested. This is when the cops got heavy and manhandled the activist towards the waiting cop van. The cops picked the activist up off her feet and threw her roughly into the back of the van before slamming the door and standing smugly outside with arms folded, her belongings strewn outside of the van on the floor. There were plenty of witnesses to this who have kindly stated that they will stand up in court against the police and state what they had witnessed. Police brutallity.

After contacting legal representitives, we learnt that we had not infringed copyright by distributing the G2H leaflets, and also that Thomas Cook themselves state that their own logo can be used for educational purposes only as long as nobody is profiting from the logo. Oh dear west mercia ... another fine booboo? Unlawful arrest .. assault and battery ... Names and numbers of officers present were taken for future reference.

Activists are preparing for the next loud and proud demo to name and shame Thomas Cook in Worcester regarding this company's continued support of brutal and vicious animal torture.

Two years of solid, relentless, full on animal rights demos in the Worcester area gives you a clue that we never, ever, ever give in!

For the animals always!

Gateway to Hell campaign:
Pics of demo up at:



Hide the following 7 comments

They're gonna be a bit upset

29.06.2005 11:28

When they realise that using a trademark for protest comes under fair use and is protected by copyright law - and also by human rights law (freedom of expression).

Otherwise we wouldn't be able to say a company's name in protest!

It will be wrongful arrest, followed by a swift sueing of the police.

Still, the police succeeded yet again in being the biased, annoying useless tools of companies yet again.

Good luck to you all - you won't (shouldn't) need it though. They haven't get a leg to stand on.

mail e-mail:

More info

29.06.2005 11:39

The act that applies would be the Trade Mark Act 1994.

According to the act, it is only an infringement if the item is used on products and/or services of the same kind within the same industry - so they would have to be using them to market their own travel services.

Also, it states that the company are permitted to give permissions to anyone/everyone to use their trademarks under their own guidelines (such as for use on educational material).

So it doesn't make any sense at all that the police did this.

mail e-mail:

thanks Fredrico

29.06.2005 14:33

Also, the last time west mercia cops took anyone to court for AR stuff in worcester, they, nor any of the prosection witnesses turned up!
This is simply imtimidation/harassment that at the end of the day does not work for them in their favour.



01.07.2005 17:56

I must point out that rather than have a go at Thomas Cook they must be given some credit for the money they give to charity for children over the past 12 months they have given £ 250,000 and with more to come this year please take stock and maybe get a job. I may also point out rather than pick on travel companys why not lobby abta who govern all travel agents.


No Surprise

06.07.2005 10:15

What are they like, I was a demo against Thomas Cook in London on sat, we were told we couldn't give out the leaflet because it was causing alarm and distress to the public, strange cause when talking to the public they didn't agree and challenged the police on what they had told us, the police didn't know what to do!!
A member of the public said she would take a load of leaflets and give out and order more!!

The animals have no one but us to fight for them, they cannot fight for themsleves, we shall never give up and they know it, that's why we are so persecuted by the law.

It's a strange world we live in when the brutal torture and murder of animals is acceptable but showing what the Vivisection Industry is doing is an arrestable offence!!


mail e-mail:

Animal Rights

10.12.2005 00:25

Ive seen the protests outside of Thomas Cook in Worcester and i have to say that although i love animals and im all for them being protected i have seen one women there who is abusive towards staff and customers at the shop.
I feel this is wrong and turns a lot of people off the protesters as the staff there dont deserve the treatment this protester offers. There is nothing they can do about what happens as this decision would be made at a management level and these staff are there to earn a living like most people in life.
Maybe more peaceful demos and less abuse would get the puplic onside more.


Thomas Cook

10.12.2005 00:32

Is it just me?

I thought all travel agents so Holidays to Mauritius?
