Islamic Community Net | 28.06.2005 17:40 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Repression
Blair puts in a much stronger showing as the antichrist's dog than as the antichrist himself, with only 56,000 entries for the google search blair antichrist against 121,000 for blair poodle. Cheney and Sharon are in a tight race for 3rd place, while Rumsfeld and Putin bring up the rear.
Islamic Community Net
June 28, 2005
Blair puts in a much stronger showing as the antichrist's dog than as the antichrist himself, with only 56,000 entries for the google search blair antichrist against 121,000 for blair poodle. Cheney and Sharon are in a tight race for 3rd place, while Rumsfeld and Putin bring up the rear.
Identification of Bush as the antichrist remains stronger than all his competition combined, and even his next leading contender (Blair) has only 20 percent of Bush's ranking.
The actual Google search results:
about 270,000 for antichrist bush
about 56,000 for antichrist blair
about 50,000 for antichrist cheney
about 47,000 for antichrist sharon
about 30,000 for antichrist rumsfeld
about 16,000 for antichrist putin
about 121,000 for poodle blair
Islamic Community Net
June 28, 2005

Blair puts in a much stronger showing as the antichrist's dog than as the antichrist himself, with only 56,000 entries for the google search blair antichrist against 121,000 for blair poodle. Cheney and Sharon are in a tight race for 3rd place, while Rumsfeld and Putin bring up the rear.
Identification of Bush as the antichrist remains stronger than all his competition combined, and even his next leading contender (Blair) has only 20 percent of Bush's ranking.
The actual Google search results:
about 270,000 for antichrist bush
about 56,000 for antichrist blair
about 50,000 for antichrist cheney
about 47,000 for antichrist sharon
about 30,000 for antichrist rumsfeld
about 16,000 for antichrist putin
about 121,000 for poodle blair
Islamic Community Net
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So What?
28.06.2005 20:00
apply your life experience!
28.06.2005 21:00
Who really sits at the centre of the spider's web, able to reach out at an instant to influence and manipulate Bush, Putin, Sharon etc.,- carefully appearing to back the agenda of each monster, while carefully guiding the world to a place that only a few years ago, NONE of us would have believed possible!
Putin genocides a whole nation- no problem, X will fix that.
Bush and his extremist religious racist nutters want to play at masters of the universe- X to the rescue once again.
Chinese leaders require massive inward investment to prepare for the great war against the US- X can fix it.
Sharon wants legitimate Palestinian resistance to the evils of genocidal occupation described as terrorism- damn, if X again doesn't deliver.
Corrupt Muslim leadership needs propping up against the horror and outrage expressed by the people they lead against the crimes commited against Muslims worldwide- why, London's the place and X is the man.
One so-called man, one true evil- its human name is Tony Blair, but we are to blame.
Hundreds of thousands of years of human civilisation. At this moment in our history, we KNOW what is right and moral and good, but we willingly sit back as an evil force that dwarfs Ghengis Khan, or Stalin or Hitler or any of Earth's previous monsters turns our planet into a living hell. Our present day evil is not going to make the mistake of relying only on overwelming power from above. Blair is ensuring that the very roots of what can make humans good and decent are being poisoned.
I'd like to be optimistic, but in all honesty, we have already bought the ticket, stood in the long queue, and have finally been strapped into the carriage- now all we can do is experience the ride-the time for opting out seems long gone. Want to know what this ride is going to feel like? May i respectfully suggest you use this last testament to the glorious possibilities of the human soul- the INTERNET. Go read what Blair does to the medical facilities, patients, and staff of each of the towns and cities that Blair exterminates in Iraq. Then understand that he does that in your name- empowered by you (and me).
In a few weeks time, millions (?) of naive humans will be dancing to Geldof's tunes. The nature and history of Bob Geldof is not hidden, nor the fact the he is an intimate of Blair. Live8 is even officially promoted by the same media manipulation organisations that form the heart of Blair's black propoganda. Thus, Live8, in reality, becomes a celebration of every bomb or bullet that ripped apart a human life in institutions created by human civilisations to save lives. As useful idiots with millionaire lifestyles pretend to give a damn about the astonishing human diversity that is Africa, they will proudly, once free from the riff raff of their fans, shake hands with Blair, and party meaningfully with his buddies. Thus the entertainers of Live8 truly ally themselves with the forces that, even now, are newly sieging poor humans in Iraq, by cutting of their water and power, destroying their food and medical stocks, destroying their hospitals and clinics, butchering their trained and volunteer medical staff, and mass murdering the inhabitents of those places.
One final joke, of course. Even as you are told by mouths usually stuffed with food that would cost even you more by the mouthful than you would spend on a whole meal, that you are a disgrace for not knowing more about africa- their mate Blair enjoys emposing a LITERAL death penalty on those Iraqi's that attempt to get the truth about Blair's war crimes to a wider audience.
If the cap fits...
29.06.2005 10:29
Life in the Twilight zone
03.07.2005 09:41
However, thanks Twilight for your positive, proactive and perceptive comments as to the solution to the problems you raised - Oh sorry! I've just been informed that YOU DIDN'T GIVE US ANY!
Sorry Twilight, no room for negative a-holes like you. You and your kind will eventually be consumed by your own negativity and become anti-matter (ie: My auntie says you don't matter).
As a committed anti-activist, my philosophy is ..........blah blah blah ...(Continued page 94)
Acton Ant Visit