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Stonehenge - Summer Solstice 2005 :: Pictures 3 Clearence

Tash [alan lodge] | 25.06.2005 10:48 | Culture | Repression | Social Struggles

A jaunt out to another 'Managed Access' to celebrate the Summer Solstice at Stonehenge, at the permission [and conditions] of English Heritage. I had a nice time, met old friends and some wierd and wonderful people, doing wierd and wonderful things. BUT .... it is not as I would have it. I still sadly miss the festival that was / should be there.

Stonehenge - Summer Solstice 2005 :: Pictures 3 Clearence

A jaunt out to another 'Managed Access' to celebrate the Summer Solstice at Stonehenge, at the permission [and conditions] of English Heritage. I had a nice time, met old friends and some wierd and wonderful people, doing wierd and wonderful things. BUT .... it is not as I would have it. I still sadly miss the festival that was / should be there.

This is the Photo - record of my time there.

English Heritage - Summer Solstice Stonehenge 2005

Conditions of Access

This year is the the 20th anniversary of the 'Battle of the Beanfield'. A police operation called 'Operation Solstice' was initiated for trying to maintain a festival at this place, were were attacked by 1600 policemen.


Stonehenge: Further links about it all.

Beanfield Photo Gallery 1
Beanfield Photo Gallery 2

Solstice Ritual:
Injunction Papers:
My cell notes:
The Story so far:
All Systems:

For those with Broadband connection, I've also prepared these videos for streaming, do take a peek:

The first in this set, being 'Operation Solstice' :: The definative work on this issue.


To know a little for about the mechanics that this place measures, take a look at :: Archaeoastronomy -

Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
WAP phone
My Blog
Member of the National Union of Journalists [No: 014345]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
OS Grid Ref: SK 575414 - Lat/Lon: 52:58:03N, 1:08:38W

Tash [alan lodge]
- e-mail:
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Hide the following 8 comments


25.06.2005 12:50


thanks for the excellent report and pictures. It was obviously dissapointing to hear that some of the stones had been damaged with slogans written on them. Do you have any pictures that could help the Police in their investigation ?


Informer ?

25.06.2005 14:13

Those were legitimate political messages so keep your photos to yourself



25.06.2005 15:16

Of course it doesn't matter that in the past the authorities themselves damaged the stones by laying gravel around them and much earlier locals used some of the stones for building materials. Now a bit of short-term paint on the stones is supposed to be worse! Gotta clear out the Hippies so that money can be earned from the tourist trade as quickly as possible. Question is, who do the stones belong to, the people or the bastards who have appropriated them?


A view

25.06.2005 17:03

Doug makes a good point, what is 20,000 years of heritage compared with somebodys right to scrawl "Down with Bush" on a Stonehenge standing stone. After all it's important to know what matters in the world.


so, Doug

26.06.2005 09:50

Just because there were mindless vandals in the past it's therefore ok for people to mindlessly vandalise now.
And there I was thinking that the idea was to learn and not repeat the same mistakes.


Political ?

26.06.2005 11:50

"Those were legitimate political messages so keep your photos to yourself "

I saw what had been daubed and they included such " legitimate political messages" as,

"Fuck off Bush"
"Bush is a wanker"

and most profound of all

"Dave and Sue"

not in my name

mindless act

02.07.2005 12:44

People who want to commit these mindless acts of vandalism should have stayed at home.This kind of behaviour will result in access being denied to our heritage.the solstice brings so much meanin to a large group of peple who like to share in that oneness. I wouldn't like to be the person who results in this being stopped. If you feel angry about stuff get to the yourself to the G8 summit next week and be braver than just someone who scrawls on the stones. Get a life!!


help the police?

09.08.2005 19:41

the police don't need any help - (IMHO).
they have there own cameras and their own moles.
don't join em.
resist them.

the idea that we should help the police will only further restrict OUR right to go there.
they don't need proof, as when they have proof they are able to take away more of OUR freedom's.

hippies are not always right.
and neither am i :).
