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IP Logging, is it done here

another | 23.06.2005 09:59

It light of the information that the French, Italian and Irish IMC sites all log IP's can we have a statement from IMC UK please

We all have a right to know if our IP's are being recorded in light of the seizure of the Bristol servers.

A statement would let everyone know where they stand



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Infactual Info Here

23.06.2005 10:28

The italian imc do not log IP numbers and the Bristol webservers HAVE NOT BEEN SEIZED.

From bristol IMC:

22.06.2005 01:41
Police have demanded access to Indymedia Bristol's server; however the server has not been seized, nor have warrants been served to the best of our knowledge. A fuller statement will be issued tomorrow.

gdm: 1 of imc-uk
mail e-mail: imc-uk-contact (at)"

info update

no IP logging

23.06.2005 11:24

Still it is worth stressing that IMC UK has a policy of not recording or keeping IP addresses of accesses to the site. You are encouraged not to trust us an use a client side anonymizing proxy, such as Tor or JAP. More info at:
