Get ready to support anti-G8 prisoners in Scotland
ABC Brighton | 22.06.2005 11:21 | G8 2005 | Globalisation | Repression | Social Struggles
The G8 summit will be held in Scotland from the 6th to the 8th July, and, of course, it will be resisted and protested against by a wide range of people, with demonstrations and actions planned from the 2nd to the 8th. That resistance is very likely to involve some people being arrested and imprisoned, and we feel it is important that we prepare for this before it happens, and act against it when it does. For this reason, we are calling for groups, individuals and movements to both prepare solidarity actions and get ready to support prisoners.
Supporting prisoners needs funds- perhaps a fund raising event could be organised? How about information events, letter writing groups?
Solidarity actions or demonstrations may need a little planning, so why not find out where British embassies, consulates, corporations etc. are based near you?
Of course, these are just a few suggestions, and it's up to everyone to imagine for themselves how they want to act in solidarity with any prisoners.But we feel that if our solidarity is to be real, effective, and immediate, then we all need to start making plans, and that sooner is better than later!
(For more information, please mail us- brightonabc[at]
Also, see the site of the G8 legal support group at-
ABC Brighton, UK
email: brightonabc[at]
For a calendar of events see
For more information on mobilisation against the G8 see
Supporting prisoners needs funds- perhaps a fund raising event could be organised? How about information events, letter writing groups?
Solidarity actions or demonstrations may need a little planning, so why not find out where British embassies, consulates, corporations etc. are based near you?
Of course, these are just a few suggestions, and it's up to everyone to imagine for themselves how they want to act in solidarity with any prisoners.But we feel that if our solidarity is to be real, effective, and immediate, then we all need to start making plans, and that sooner is better than later!
(For more information, please mail us- brightonabc[at]
Also, see the site of the G8 legal support group at-
ABC Brighton, UK
email: brightonabc[at]
For a calendar of events see
For more information on mobilisation against the G8 see
ABC Brighton
Hide the following 6 comments
Yet another
22.06.2005 12:02
Capitalist Watcher
Burn the State, Burn the Jails and Judges
22.06.2005 14:07
Yet another clueless fool
22.06.2005 14:19
If you have a problem with anarchists collecting funds for bail/fines for those amongst us unlucky enough to be banged up by The State, then you are a TERMINAL FOOL!
Respect to Brighton ABC for thinking ahead.
trolls are great!
22.06.2005 17:19
Good call ABC!
response - Why to fuck the G8 fascists
23.06.2005 19:11
To be clear, the G8 has nothing to do with alleviating poverty or stopping climate chaos being as it was formed by and is run by people with oil interests. At least 2 of the leaders have and do own oil compaines ( Bush, Martin ) , the rest having invested intersts ( Putin was put up for president by a cabal of corporate men with oil and gas interests) Blair has employed and is friends with loads of BP executives ( Browne, Simon, Butler, Morgan ) and also ex -Shell man and Argetina looting company HSBC man Mark moody Stuart ( in charge of renewebales! ). Several of the leaders should be charged with war crimes ( Bush, Berlusconi, Blair ), several have been on corruption/fraud charges ( Martin, Chirac, Berlusconi ( co-defendent with Tessa Jowell's husband!) appears to be a traditional fascist while the others seem to be part of the New Fascism proscribed by the Project for A New American Century, And as for pollution and exploitation of Africa ( inc Nigeria, Angola, Sudan ) and arms dealing lets look to those same comapnies helped by the World Bank and the so-called Development Banks all run by the memebers-only club known as the G8.
The only resistance is to smash the media hype, the naive reformism, and to shut the whole bloody thing down.
This may mean people with strong ethical beliefs will get arrested by the Gelneagles Gestapo.
ABC do a good job and could hardly be described as capitalists.
So, what are you go to do then?
Are you just going to let them get away with global murder?
Mark rpen
23.06.2005 19:14