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Starhawk reminder

Faslane G8 Blockade Team | 21.06.2005 22:14 | G8 2005 | Anti-militarism

In preparation for actions at Faslane on Monday 4th July and during the G8 Summit at Gleneagles the FaslaneG8 blockade team are hosting two training sessions in Glasgow and Edinburgh on Saturday 25th June led by veteran US activist Starhawk.

STARHAWK Direct Action Training Saturday 25th June Glasgow & Edinburgh

Friends Meeting House, 7 Victoria Terrace, Edinburgh EH1 2JL
10am – 1pm

Lansdowne Church, 416 Great Western Road, Glasgow G4 9HZ

Space is limited at these venues please contact to book a place.

Other trainings are being organised at various locations around the UK to prepare for the actions. There will be trainings at the convergence centres in the days before the actions. For more details, or if you would like to organise a training in your area, please contact: or visit for more details.

Non-violent direct action training
- How will I react if I'm arrested?
- What do we do if the police become violent?
- If someone starts to freak out, how do I calm people down, and stop things from escalating?

To answer these questions and many more, we invite you to take part in a nonviolent direct action training.

During the training we will have safe surroundings to practice how we will respond in situations that might arise during the action.

The focus of the training will be practical exercises (simulation and role playing) but the training also provides the space to discuss ideas concerning "nonviolent direct action", and to talk about hopes and fears for the action. We will also look at the tasks that can be undertaken during the action.

Starhawk is one of the most respected voices in modern earth-based spirituality. She is also well-known as a global justice activist and organizer, whose work and writings have inspired many to action.

A veteran of progressive movements, from anti-war to anti-nukes, Starhawk is deeply committed to bringing the techniques and creative power of spirituality to political activism. Her work in progressive movements spans over 35 years, beginning as an organizer in her high school during the days of the Vietnam War.

In the years since, she has organized, trained protestors, and been on the front lines of antinuclear actions at Diablo Canyon, Livermore Weapons Lab, Vandenberg Air Force Base, and the Nevada Test Site, among others. She traveled to Nicaragua with Witness for Peace in 1984 and made two trips to El Salvador to give ongoing support for sustainability programs.

For a number of years she has traveled to the Occupied Territories of Palestine and to Israel, working for peace with local activists of both sides. A main focus for the last several years has been the global justice movement; Starhawk has taken part in many of the major actions, including those in Seattle, Washington DC, Quebec City, Genoa, New York City, Cancun, Mexico, and Miami.

Faslane G8 Blockade Team
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Hide the following 9 comments


22.06.2005 08:40

Must be really hard to train and prepare someone for a week spent in a metal cage miles from the G8 summit !

The naevity of those who think they will be anywhere other than miles away from the action is amazing. Speak to some local people (as I have done) routes from the train station to the nice tidy police cage are already marked out, the itinery is written, the play is decided.


Good point David, why don't we all just give up!

22.06.2005 10:15

That's where the training comes in, I imagine.

Besides, I very much doubt there's room in the nice tidy cage for more than a few of those who'll be present.


Amendment to workshop times

22.06.2005 11:18

The training is actually scheduled to continue for a couple of hours after Starhawk has left. This will provide an opportunity for affinity group formation, action planning etc.

The full workshop times are 10am until 4pm for Edinburgh and 2.30 until 7pm for Glasgow.

Faslane G8 blockade team


22.06.2005 11:21

Hey man if you think you anyone is going to come within 5 miles of the event go knock yourself out.



22.06.2005 13:10

David - what is the purpose of your postings?
What are you hoping to achieve by them?



22.06.2005 14:34

... realism



22.06.2005 14:58

Or are you just trying to drag everyone down to your level of apathy?


David, do yourself a favour.

23.06.2005 11:59

Who gives a FUCK how close we get to the government ministers. As long as we all turn up and get as close as we can, we can have a decent protest. Ain't no cop muthafucker gonna put me a cage though (or a pen), I'm a free autonomous individual, me ;-)

But David, I dispair at people like you, I really do. What exactly do you suggest we do instead?? Stay at home and watch tv? If you've got a better idea then please do let us know. You're message seems to be nothing but "there's no point in trying to change the world, there's nothing you can do, why don't you just give up".

You think you can persuade everyone to give up their struggle? THAT's hardly realism. You can think the protesters are going to listen to your pathetic nay-saying and pessismism. THAT's hardly realism. Thousands of people will descending upon the G8. And no petty-minded cynical apathetic discourager like you is going to have any effect on them at all. Why don't YOU just give up. Twat.


What's in a name?

26.06.2005 18:02

'Starhawk'!!!! Now I've heard it all. Its obviously an anagram for WRATH SAK. Why the weird name with predatory connotations? Why not something like 'The fluffy bunny pink love is all around us lady"?

It gets worse too - a respected voice in 'earth based spirituality'? give me a break! I'd be more impressed if you had a respected voice in 'outer space based spirituality' - now that would be something!

She's obviously been knocking around a while, so at her age its a shame she don't know better. Please lady - its too late for you, but don't prey (I knew the predatory bit would come in somewhere) on these impressionable youngtsers.

Mary Litiman (not my real name - work it out)