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G8: £300 raised to send unwaged

squatticus | 21.06.2005 10:51

Manchester Caravan of Courage put on an event and raised £300 to take unwaged and low waged brothers and sisters to Scotland.

The Caravan of Courage is a group organising a convoy of minibuses to go to Scotland to oppose the G8.

We leave on Friday 1 July, at 6pm, and will return on Thursday 8 July, arriving in Manchester by 6pm.

(We may also do one bus for the weekend only).

The cost for the whole week is £75 per person - including all food and transport - but now we have raised £300, and will be deciding later this week how to dish it out.

If you would like to come with us, please contact asap, specifying whether you want to go for the whole week or just the weekend.

More info on the Caravan is available here:



Hide the following 14 comments

real dissent

21.06.2005 11:36

This still would rule out people on benefit - like a load of those snooty Dissent tossers.

cheap B and B though(?) I do wonder about a lot of this fundraising and organisers expenses. You lot may not be like this but it is not a fucking holiday ir a spectacular to massage the egos of pro activist tosspots. Except this is what it has become. A revolution with you lot - you'd be ther first to be shot eh? How many more crap flyers, posters, andstickers can you make. Good for dissertations, movie careers etc. You fuckwit middle class parasites.


"Cheap B+B though"

21.06.2005 11:56

It clearly says camping on the website ...........

Happy Camper

bored of cynic

21.06.2005 12:02

Ooooh, so bitter. So very bitter. Why did you bother getting out of bed today cynic? Do us all a favour and go back to bed.


still expensive?

21.06.2005 13:03

Just wondering how you got to £75 per person? £10 each for the rural convergence camping, maybe £25 more on minibus hire and diesel, a couple of pounds per day for food from the @narchist Teapot, doth not £75 make...

And cynic, ever tried putting your entire life on hold for months, a year, to help organise something that even the authorities admit they couldn't do, do it all in a way which reflects anti-authoritarian models of organisation, sleeping where you can, ditto eating, fighting off burn-out, and doing it all right up to the wire, then giving up the opportunity for 'ego-massage spectacular etc', as you're helping run the convergence centre along with others?

Thought not. I'm a little confused as to how one is 'middle class' when living such a life. Accent? A degree? Let me guess, "rich mummy and daddy to run home to when you want to give it all up and get a nice job as a bank manager"? Grow up, get out, meet people.


holiday in the countryside

21.06.2005 13:25

yes, mr cynic, you're right, it's not a holiday, which is why the caravan is not arranging to hitch up to scotland willy nilly and end up miles from nowhere with no transport to have a festival in the countryside, which, of course, would be the cheaper option. if you want to eat and be mobile for a week, i'm afraid it costs 75 quid. fundraisings the only way to bring that down. or do you have a better suggestion?

middle class tosser

What - again ?

21.06.2005 15:47

"The Caravan of Courage is a group organising a convoy of minibuses to go to Scotland "

What the hell is this protest turning into ? London activist wannabees flying to Scotland, groups running coaches, Dissent workers coming by car and now a "convoy of minibuses"

Do you even understand why we are protesting. This is turning into a joke, its going to be the new Glastonberry

Think - please think

not going

21.06.2005 18:03

Bugger this. Stay at home, protest localy, do something. Too many groups trying to take control, too many people making money.

last straw

do the math

21.06.2005 22:03

ok, here's the breakdown of costs for the caravan.

60 pounds a day for hire of a 15-seater minibus (taking 12 people, however, because we need room for luggage etc.)
= 5 pounds a day per person for transport
+ 3 pounds a day per person for food (cooked communally)
+ 2 pounds a day per person for petrol etc.

= 10 pounds a day per person

x 7 days = 70 pounds

+ 5 pounds for petrol to get to scotland and back

= 75 pounds

no-one is planning to make any money, and we would love it to be cheaper, but that's what it costs.
we could, of course, walk to and around scotland, which is what "think - please think" seems to be suggesting. that would definitely be cheaper.......
seriously though, it will be cheaper than this cost price as a result of our fundraising. i.e. many people will pay less than this 75 pounds.

middle class tosser

Middle Class Tosser

22.06.2005 08:46

Well "middle class tosser" thanks for making the economic argument because of course this is all about money isn't it ?

Has it occured to you as you swan off in your mini bus that it will be spewing out greenhouse gasses, carbon particulates and further poisons all so that you have a comfortable ride to your weeks holiday.

I never thought I would see the day when contributors to the newswire would be justifying planes, cars and minibuses to attend a demo on the grounds of an economic argument - what the fuck have we become ?


Praeclarissima sapientia

22.06.2005 10:41

Anarchoteapot says "£25 for minibus hire" per person.

That works out at £3.57 per day per person.

Assuming that all vehicles were full of people (i.e. no seats taken up by rucksacks etc.) this implies a 12-seater van costs £42.84 per day to hire, or a 15-seater £53.55.

In reality its more like £35 and £45 per day, because of taking various necessary tat.

If Anarchoteapot can direct us to a firm that will hire at that rate, we'll be glad to hear from him/her!

(btw, to Fits "this is all about money", if you step outside your door you'll notice we're still (like it or not) living under capitalism. I suspect you're not completely self-sufficient - or did you knit your own internet access from home made fibres?)



22.06.2005 11:42

... because there is a difference between using Capitalist produced electricity and using a minibus to attend the G8 protests. If you can't see that .......

that's why

that's why

22.06.2005 13:20

go on then, what is the difference?


That's why...

22.06.2005 14:47

The difference being what, please?


It is called a mobilisation

22.06.2005 17:53

People are trying to get to the demo in their masses. Some by car, minibus, train and who knows how else? The simple matter at hand is that they will be there to bolster numbers and make the protest better. Sometimes short term losses (in the name of the environment) are worth long term goals. Stop being short sighted about the issues - unless you can provide valid, useful alternatives to the problems of logistics. It is not practical for people to walk (as has been suggested by some...) or get the train (as this is too costly - as pointed out before, we live in a capitalist society at the moment therefore we have to try and live day to day also.)

So come up with some suggestions as an alternative to the ideas being thrown around.

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