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SE ASSEMBLY | 20.06.2005 03:30 | G8 2005 | London

The Resist G8 train leaving London on 1st July and returning on the 9th July (long stay train) has been 100% CONFIRMED.


The Resist G8 train leaving London on 1st July and returning on the 9th July (long stay train) has been 100% CONFIRMED. We still however have a lot of tickets left and will be selling them up to the night before departure. If you would like to buy a ticket then please call 07944 135 617 now. They are £50 with a reduced fare for those having trouble affording the full amount. We are also offering a limited number of single fares up on the 1st July for £40 for people wishing just to attend the weekend events and make
there own way back.

The depature time is now 1519 from London Kings Cross and get to Edinburgh Waverly at 2149.

Tickets are on sell at the following places:


IFA, 76-78 Gower Street, London WC1E
open 2pm-8pm Mon-Sat

LARC, 62 Fieldgate Street, London E1
open 2pm-8pm, Wed-Thurs

56@ Infoshop, 56 Crampton Street, London SE17
open 2pm-7pm, Thurs-Sat


Cowley Club, 12 London Road, Brighton
open 2pm-8pm, Mon-Sat

JUNE 25th – Anti-G8 Event @ Institute For Autonomy, 76-78 Gower St. London WC1

Massive Garden Party & BBQ // 6am-6pm Saturday 25th June with live acoustic music with Petra Gene Phillips and Tai Motta and D.J.'s all night. Cafe & Refreshments and much more...
>>Tickets will be on sale all nite!!

PAYMENT: At this stage we prefer people to pay either in cash or postal order but we still are excepting cheques made payable to "G.E.N.I." and sent to BM SOUTH EAST ASSEMBLY, LONDON WC1N 3XX

Tel: 07944 135 617
web: (still to be updated with new info)

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- Homepage:


Hide the following 24 comments

A better and cheaper way

20.06.2005 09:44

The costs of the train did put off a number of people I know and we looked at altenatives. A number of companies operate coaches but these take HOURS and HOURS. The best deal we found was Easyjet from Luton who are flying to Edinburgh for £17.



20.06.2005 09:49

The Cowley Club is actually open: 12pm-4pm, Tues-Sat (tickets also available in the evening when the bar is open for members and their guests only)

For more info about the Club, see:

Brighton Dissent!
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better way?

20.06.2005 10:03

well i believe fly to scotland is maybe a cheaper way just in your egoistic life. you are going to protest to a summit where one of the main issue will be climate change, as some people know the plane is not a green way to move, expecially in short distant like to go to scotland. we have to be responsebale of our action and it will be nice to show some solidarity to people who are working to try to get as much people as possible in scotland. maybe £50 is to much but i hope you or your friends, who has been put off by the price, drink the same ammount in beer during the time of the protest.


Are cheap flights "better" Jill?

20.06.2005 10:12

There are all sorts of reasons why we should not be seduced by eastjet stylee cheap flights.

This article, is an oldy but a goody, and outlines many of them:,8806,1100928,00.html


Some misakes

20.06.2005 11:36

Judging by the comments here it seems that some people are under the mistaken view that a journey from London to Scotland by train is somehow "greener" than using an aircraft. If we take into account the true cost of environmental damage, a combination of the fuel used, the manufacturing polution of trains and aircraft and the travel time an aircraft is far, far less harmful to the planet.

There is an excellent webpage which gives more details on how to make accurate comparisons for those wishng to travel

Kind regards



Don't even THINK of flying there!

20.06.2005 12:41

It's the ultimate in hypocrisy for any activist to take a short hop air flight to protest about climate change amongst other things. If the mainstream media latch onto the fact that significant numbers of us are flying there, they'll run and run with the story, making us all look really shallow hypocrits. And don't believe the bollocks about planes being better than trains.

feet on ground


20.06.2005 13:13

The link doesn't go where you say it does..........



20.06.2005 13:37

errrr...... yes it does !

not ftp

Not acceptable

20.06.2005 14:03

This is as bad as those people coming from Liverpool in mini-buses. Let's have some focus here people. This is not a holiday you know



20.06.2005 14:48

Well I and others have helped work to put funds into what's happening in scotland and we still cannot afford to go. I still think the trains ain't a bad idea and fair play to the people who took time to get them together. For me, I think the blockades, countering the media spin, and making connections with the people of Glasgow who are in the same fucked up dole boat as us are the important things if we ever manage to get to Scotland. If it's that important we can always walk:-)

I retrospect, I think perhaps it would have been better dencentralised - after all a lot of the problem in the UK lies particularly in a couple of areas, one being Whitehall, the other the Square Mile., the results can be seen in Pathway 'regeneration' areas in Liverpool for example...

True, this wouldn't get the same media coverage, but who are 'we' (sic) reaching. 'Activists' reaching other 'activists'? As somebody apparently said re. the trains:-"we would like them full of anarchists"!! Which/what anarchists? it would be better to be towards something more permanent and inclusive and not towards an activist vanguard or the mere spectular. Are you/we relying on a continental bloc? Anyway have a fucking riot.

Big respect to the Bike caravan and the fixup shit projects.

6 of one


20.06.2005 15:05

But of course the people coming from Liverpool are not like you and me, they are organisers, they are Dissent. I'm surprised they haven't booked stretch limos !

George Orwell

Winnebagos to Edinburgh

20.06.2005 15:48

jill, How convenient you protest must be for you. Oooh hours on the coach. My heart bleeds ( as does that of those in the 'southern hemisphere' who are suffering from the effects of the bourgouis imperialists of the g8 ). Anyway, what's wrong with walking? They do that in Africa all the time.

No to trade revisionism. No to greed. There is no 'easy' way-out' solution. You may have to make some 'sacrifices'.................

Suggestions for sacrifices to "Kill All Leaders" PO box 97, Crawley.
PS. re disgusting 7mpg Winnebagos, it's the choice of camping for overpaid sluts at Glastonbury. Eco warriors ( if any still go to that pile of shite) know what to do if in Sommerset :-) Free Jeff Luers.

make bloated NGOs history

Erm, no it doesn't

20.06.2005 16:57

I'm not going to look through the whole site to find it

If you want people to see this way of comparing how lovely planes are compared to trains, then it would be helpful if you provided at least the right page - there is nothing on the front page that looks even remotely relevant

Perhaps there really isn't an argument for saying cheap flights are more ecologically sound than trains................


Make the effort

20.06.2005 18:06

"I'm not going to look through the whole site to find it "

Well I guess you won't find then will you fuckwit !

Brighton Dissent

"Brighton dissent"

20.06.2005 20:35

"Well I guess you won't find then will you fuckwit !"

The main reason I won't find it, is cos it appears not to exist.

I started finding bible passages and calls to prayer - and had a reasonable scan of the site. I don't think that there is a section which proves that train travel is ecologically less sound than easyjet.

You of course found it, and forgot to paste the link, right?


looked at site.

21.06.2005 09:38

...and cannot find anything to do with trains or travel - the search engine isn't much cop.

There doesn't appear to be anything related to the discussion on there. Can someone provide a direct link to the actual page rather than the homepage (you wouldn't say something like 'BBC says xyz' and then only link to the bbc homepage?)

Why should the discussions always break down into flame wars? It is pointless and makes all parties look stupid - try and be helpful, if one person can't find what you are trying to say then it is likely others cannot also.

mail e-mail:

Personal comfort at the G8?

21.06.2005 10:13

Sometimes principles are worth sacrticing ...............
Sometimes principles are worth sacrticing ...............

Corporate solutions

Answer to Fredrico

21.06.2005 18:49


I agree but probably the problem here is the troll "ftp" who is always questioning posts and claiming that links don't work. It's a tactic he / she uses a lot and I guess it gives a little thrill for him / her. I would guess others got sick of supplying links only to have claimed they don't work and responded with anger.

Most people no longer respond to trolls on IM but some new user do get caught.

I view it as our growing power and the trolls fear

George and Mildred

Answer to "George and Mildred"

21.06.2005 22:38

Nice avoidance tactic - the fact of the matter remains - not one single troll (and you may of course be using a different name each time) has come up with a link on uk or any other site which shows that trains are less environmentally sound than easyjet.

You will however see that I have provided a working link that goes directly to the article that I said it would.

I didn't say "there is an article in the guardian which will outline the difficulties with cheap flights" - I linked directly to it.

I do not believe that there is a credible site that shows trains are less environmentally sound that cheap flights, and I believe that the bellyaching over my asking for the astonishing claim to be backed up is purely because the link cannot be provided.

Which means that it was actually a troll.


The one who provides the link to back up their claims is the troll?

And trains are less environmentally sound than easyjest?



re: bollox

21.06.2005 23:05

You can't call yourself Brighton Dissent, you twat. No-one has the right to call themselves that. That much should be obvious.

Also, ftp doesn't seem to be a troll from my experience of reading his posts.
Yes s/he does question links, but that's because people post links that don't do what they say or that are a massive big website so full of stuff that it's impossible to find the particular article they were talking about.

Finally, I checked out the link. It's sort of global justice thing but with very much an evangelical happy-clappy christian theme to it. Prey against GATS. Beg Jesus for the IMF to drop the debt. That kind of thing. (ok I'm slightly taking the piss but you get the general idea).

It very much seems that there's no mention of trains being more ecological than planes.

Oh yeah and the arguments given by the person who provided the link are bollox.

So manufacturing a trian is unecological? Yeah sure it is, but how about building a fucking aeroplane! And the manufacturing process is pretty much a one off for the lifetime of the vehicle. By far the biggest environmental impact is from running the thing. And trains use a LOT less fuel.

Also, planes pump CO2 directly into the (relatively) higher reaches of the atmosphere, where they do instant damage. Trains use electricity produced at ground level - at least some of the emissions from that are absorbed by forests and stuff.


Answer to Dave

22.06.2005 10:22

Hi Dave,

I'm surprised when yu say you don't think "ftp" is a troll. He / she is one of the worst on he newswire. Some of the anti semitic stuff he /she posts is very unpleasant and I have seen many examples of the questioning web links. Trolling is not too bad at the moment but some will always be persistant. I make it a point never to respond to them even though the temptation to make them look silly can be strong sometime.



George and Mildred

I won

22.06.2005 11:45

Well you responded to me so I won !

We know the newswire is full of Jews at the moment, we don't mind. Our day will come



22.06.2005 13:16

"We know the newswire is full of Jews at the moment, we don't mind. Our day will come "

Is that some sort of threat ?


I think people need ro realise

22.06.2005 17:48

that this site is an open forum. ANYONE CAN USE ANY NAME!!! Just because it says 'ftp' doesn't mean it is the same person everytime. It could be someone trolling in the name in order to damage a discussion and someone's reputation.

The last 'ftp' comment is blatantly not the same as some of the other 'ftp' posts and is a blatant troll. DONT FEED THE TROLLS - I know it is hard, I sometimes succumb to it myself but we must try and ignore the posts.

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