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GARDEN PARTY with live music at Inst. for Autonomy

Inst. for Autonomy | 19.06.2005 19:00 | G8 2005 | Culture | Free Spaces | London

Anti-G8 benefit Saturday 25th June 6pm-6am

Massive Garden Party & BBQ
at Inst.for Autonomy Occupied Social Centre
76 Gower St. Lonodn WC1
6am-6pm Saturday 25th June
with live acoustic music with Petra Gene Phillips and Tai Motta and D.J.'s all night.
Cafe & Bar and much more...
Anti-G8 fundraising event 3-5 quid entry

Inst. for Autonomy


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20.06.2005 09:43

Confused by the times given - 6am - 6pm. Surely you mean 6pm - 6am with music all night...?



20.06.2005 16:19

Times should read 6pm to 6am. Apologies for any confusion.
