G8 Bike ride sets off.
Doug | 19.06.2005 13:26 | G8 2005
Starting at the National Film Theatre under Waterloo Bridge, on the South Bank in London, the ride progressed to Westminster Bridge and Parliament Square. Then a noisy pit stop at Downing Street followed by a diversion around the 'Changing of the Guard' to Buck House. On to Wellington Arch, up Park Lane and thence to the Edgeware Road where filming stopped.
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19.06.2005 16:47
I wish I was as fit as you lot.
Keep Going...
hats off
19.06.2005 22:18
Wanna go with 'em?
19.06.2005 22:40
See you there.
But there's a problem
20.06.2005 08:55
If you want to support the american industrial farming and biotechnology industry then supporting the Make Poverty History campaign is a great way to do it. You can join their campaigns if you want to help them paint a legitimate face on exploitation through 'aid' programmes.
Only unconditional debt relief can make a difference, anything else only serves the interest of the rich and powerful.
It's time Africa demanded the debt repayment FROM the industrialised north and took back full control of the natural resources of their own continent.
Not MPH organised
20.06.2005 17:14
Check out the bike caravan site ( one of several I believe ) at ...
They are not organising the Bike Caravan.
I believe that Make Poverty History campaign is advertising various events that oppose the G8 ( though mainly liberal ) such as "Demand Our Right To March at Gleneagles" with Tariq Ali at Hoolyrood ( home of Kirsty wark's mates - the Edinburgh Mafia :-) ).
The only way to protest the right to march is to actually fucking do the march that you intend to do - not be a peacock like Mr Ali and his Crounch End chums. The UK and Ireland cops are getting deeper into banning marches ( and any form of more effective protest ) . Last years Mayday march to phoenix Park in Dublin was barred except it happened.....Thanxs for the water cannon....
2nd of August should be interesting with the demo ban. it would be nice to see a mega-riot tear up Whitehall ( though I somehow doubt it :-) .
Shout to Gu