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Dover Memorial Stone Service for 58 Chinese

Smelly Scrote | 18.06.2005 13:10 | Anti-racism | Migration | South Coast

An eye witness reports on today's moving act of commemoration on Dover seafront

Around 60 people turned up for today's Service of commemoration for those Chinese so-called "Illegal" immigrants who died on 18 June 2000. The stone was dedicated by the local MP Gwyn Prosser on Dover seafront, very near jubilee way.

The sizzling hot temperatures did not deter people. Local Anglican clergy, a URC minister, representatives from the emergency services, asylem support groups, at least one local councillor, and several community activists showed their solidairty with a simple service consisting of a welcome (Ben Bano) prayers (Rev. Setchell) a statement (Geoff Lear) a short address (Gwyn Prosser MP) didication of stone, period of silence, and a closing prayer.

It was heartwarmimg...but why is it always only "All the usual suspects" who support things like this? The trueth is that the vast majority of local people don't give a fuck, of course.

Smelly Scrote


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Well done Mr Scrote & EU Convention...

18.06.2005 15:15

Thanks for the report Mr Scrote- sorry couldn't get there- (Was in Hythe on FoE duty -anti
GM crops/Lydd airport/ and climate change stuff).

There is now an EU Convention Against the Trafficking in Human Beings open for signing up
t0. It was 'opened' at the last ministerial in Warsaw.
As far as I'm aware Blair hasn't signed up yet.
Amnesty Int and 3 other groups are campaigning to get the UK Gov on board.

For what it's worth i've asked the old vampire (Howard) for his view and to push Blair/Straw
on this... (Hasn't replied since 25 May!- rather slow for him - too busy flogging(forlornly) the
dying Tory Party into shape
