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videos from 16/06/05 (part1)

a nonymous | 17.06.2005 09:34 | G8 2005 | Sheffield

some videos

some videos from yesterday
the first is a film of the police filming us in the road
the second is from the march down west street
the third from being penned in between division and west street

a nonymous


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Marching videos 16/16

18.06.2005 23:26

OK, OK. ACTIONS speak louder than words. Fair do, BUT ............
What is all this "MARCHING" crap?

"March: To move by steps and in order, as soldiers; to walk in a stately manner.
The measured walk of a body of "men"; a stately walk; a musical composition to regulate the march of troops &c ; a frontier or a boundary."

Sounds all like soldiers and stuff, to me.

Please. pleeeeeeeeeeez, let US have some imaginaziano here.

Mad March hare.

Pedantic pillock