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Public Forum: Only the communist revolution can make poverty history

World Revolution | 16.06.2005 23:04 | Analysis | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | London

Saturday 16th July
at 2:30 pm until 5.00pm
Conway Hall, Red Lion Square,
(Nearest tube: Holborn)

This meeting will introduce our two new books on the Russian and British Communist Lefts. There will be a presentation based on this article, which will be followed by an open discussion.

Book Launch: The Russian and British Communist Lefts
Saturday 16th July
at 2:30 pm until 5.00pm
Conway Hall, Red Lion Square,
(Nearest tube: Holborn)

This meeting will introduce our two new books on the Russian and British Communist Lefts. There will be a presentation based on this article, which will be followed by an open discussion.

World Revolution
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is this allowed?

17.06.2005 10:02

Isn't this an advert for a hierarchical Communist group?

(or is it okay as long as it's not the Socialist Worker people?)

not sure about policy

Too late?

17.06.2005 16:04

Only fair shares of poverty all around can make poverty History.

It is an open forum, go and ask them about that, and ask if they have visited the Global Commons Institute site.

Ask also if the Left Communists are the people Lenin and Trotsky, and later Stalin, had killed. Indymedia is going to look stupid if this announcement is hidden and that is in the book. Or if the book shows how the Special Shops destroyed the Revolution. Or even if it shows why "The Road to Life" by Makarenko was made politically correct when they brought out the combined edition. A good book turned to crap. I remember the old copies being recalled.

A more usefull discussion might arise if the subject was "The Dialectical Synthesis of Marx and Malthus" ... at that point dogmatic Marxists usually stop thinking. It is the easy non-Revolutionary Road to Communism, and might have prevented the coming mass extinction if universally adopted in about 1912.
