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G8 in Oxford events

jgp | 16.06.2005 19:22 | G8 2005 | Globalisation | Social Struggles | Oxford

Several MakePovertyHistory (MPH) events are upcoming in Oxford.

*Saturday 18th June, 10am-3pm:
Can’t get to Edinburgh? Don’t worry – come to Broad Street! Make Poverty History Steet Fair. Broad Street, Stalls and campaign materials, Games, Music, Dancing, Fun for all. Make History in 2005. Make your voice heard. See attached poster.

*Saturday 18th June, 7pm:
Live music event in support of Make Poverty History. Come and enjoy a night of musical mayhem from some of Oxford's finest showing local support for the MPH campaign. At: Zodiac Club, 190 Cowley Road, Oxford OX4, tel: 01865 420 042. Tickets only £6. See:

*Friday 24th June, 5:20pm:
Oxford to Edinburgh Cycle ride – leaving event. 25 cyclists from Oxford and nearby villages including Didcot and Witney are cycling from Oxford to Edinburgh in to raise awareness of the MPH campaign, and raise some money. Departing from Broad Street (outside the Oxfam shop), come along and cheer them off! Wear a white t-shirt/shirt and help make a white band around Oxford before they head off of their 8 day, 500 mile trek.

The cyclists are also aiming to raise a bit of money for Oxfam and you can support them by donating online at:

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Other G8 Events in Oxford

17.06.2005 09:08

Following the G8 Network Meeting on the 14th June it was agreed that there should be a 'happening' in Oxford on the 6th of July at 6pm Cornmarket. There is a meeting on Tuesday the 21st of June in the Court Room at the Town Hall at 7.30pm to finalise the details of this. All welcome!
