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Sheffield G8 - 15 June - Critical Mass Photos

jeff | 16.06.2005 16:28 | G8 2005 | Sheffield

Some photos form the Critical Mass on 15 June 2005.

Critical Mass
Critical Mass

Critical Mass
Critical Mass

Critical Mass
Critical Mass

Critical Mass
Critical Mass

Critical Mass
Critical Mass

Critical Mass
Critical Mass

Critical Mass
Critical Mass

Critical Mass
Critical Mass

Critical Mass
Critical Mass

Critical Mass
Critical Mass

Critical Mass
Critical Mass

Critical Mass
Critical Mass

Critical Mass
Critical Mass

Critical Mass
Critical Mass

Critical Mass
Critical Mass

Critical Mass
Critical Mass

Critical Mass
Critical Mass

Critical Mass
Critical Mass

Critical Mass
Critical Mass

Critical Mass
Critical Mass

There were police from all over the country but still the demo was able to move around.



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of course they will

16.06.2005 17:39

You dont think the police will miss an oppertunity to video you all and capture your mobile phone imie numbers do you (IMEI) capture is where they ping all mobile phones within a short range via a laptop device.
~Then they can track your every move, by tracking your phone, 24/7

Lord Nelsons Trousers

Errr... Bit confused about the tech

16.06.2005 20:53

Mobile phones are not tracked in the manner mentioned above. If the police wish to get information regarding their locations - they contact the phone companies who operate the masts that the phones are connected to.

Laptops would be able to connect to Bluetooth enabled phones - however as they software will not allow remote access without prompting the user (part of the bluetooth protocols), this would be useful.

So, not that I am discrediting the prior comment just clearing up the technological references.

Things to remember - Don't take mobile phones to demos unless it is specifically designated for that demo. Once the demo is over, get rid. The police love to film you. They love to get evidence that will help them in any way (just identifying you as being at a demo will allow them to build up a heresay case against you for asbo applications).

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