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pic of the 1st ever Canterbury Gay pride event

pirate | 16.06.2005 16:16 | Social Struggles | South Coast | World

link to set of pics from Canterbury Gay Pride.

Ok,Ok, I know it's not exactly 'radical' but here's a link to the BBC Kent website with pics of the first ever gay Pride event in darkest Toryland ,Kent - Canterbury.

There were stalls from UNISON, Amnesty Intl, Free Tibet, Kent Green Party, Respect,Stop the War and Ctby Friends of the Earth among about 40 such. (gay roups rep'ed by Schools Out, Thanet rainbow,Ctby gay mens group-the latter organised the whole thing)
(Pic 12 mentions AI- though it wasn't the main reason for the outfit- the person pictured is a member - but the outfit was part Kent symbol and part a lampoon on the arch phobe Ctby MP Juilan Brazier. -- Juliana B'Raysqueer. )




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16.06.2005 19:25

Photo 12 is making me all horny for some reason. Is it because I'm a unicorn? Pirates should stick to their own outfits and not cross species like this. Putting on horses' heads can lead to identity confusion. Is this what is meant by 'giving head'?

Smelly Scrote


17.06.2005 09:53

The fact that it's not considered radical and is now on the BBC should be a thing to celebrate! Not that long ago it would have been unthinkable. All our currently 'radical' movements can draw inspiration from the Gay Pride movement, through their courage, determination and 'radicalism' they have achieved great things. Events like this one should be seen as a celebration of that achievement.
