US Guantanamo Defenders Should Face The Hague
Propaganda Monster | 16.06.2005 02:30 | Anti-militarism | London | World
Bad luck if you were just defending your own county from and attack by a superpower or even worse, refusing to defend your country but still being labelled a suspected combatant by the imperialists. Or even worse travelling overseas like Mumdouh Habib minding your own business and being kidnapped, tortured and detained until you were finally released for being a suspect person only.
US imperialists have defended the country's right to hold more than 500 suspected people in Guantanamo Bay indefinitely, as politicians examined whether the controversial detention centre should remain open and under what rules.
But the way the US wage war this could go on forever!
And even though no charges have been laid against most of those people and no trials are underway because trials have been delayed by legal argument over the validity of the US system of military tribunals.
In a three-hour hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee, alleged legal experts from the US military and the Injustice Department insisted that the United States has a right under the Geneva Conventions to hold enemy combatants as long as it is militarily necessary to do so.
But what that translates to be though; is, that any sovereign nation attacked by the US (who claim people a suspected enemy combatant) can whisk them away, and detain them indefinitely without trial, and possibly torture or kill them in the process. Because I don't suppose they have 'duty of care' either. Until such time as the US declares that there is no military necessity.
Bad luck if you were just defending your own county from and attack by a superpower or even worse, refusing to defend your country but still being labelled a suspected combatant by the imperialists. Or even worse, travelling overseas like Mumdouh Habib minding your own business and being kidnapped, tortured and detained until you were finally released for being a suspect person only.
It is abhorrent that if a sovereign nation is attacked by the US and so long as they claim there is a 'military necessity' then indigenous people of that land can be imprisoned indefinitely for being a suspect until the aggressor claims there is not a military necessity.
Now I know there is no such thing at all in all's fair in love and war, but give us break!
The US imperialists also defend the process of 'handling them' as consistent with international law with all the evidence abounds, of killings and torture carried out by US militants at Abu Ghraib and other detention facilities.
"It's crucial to remember that the preventive detention of enemy combatants has never been thought of as a criminal matter in which a full-blown trial would be held," said Michael Wiggins, an injustice Department lawyer.
No! You just find them guilty and torture them forever!
And contrary to my friend Michael Wiggin's assertion that it is not a criminal matter I think it's definitely a criminal matter for the alleged perpetrators in the eyes of the International Community.
If the Coalition of the Killing were brought to face justice for their 'illegal and degrading war' against a sovereign nation then the 'criminal matter' would be a full-blown trial. No doubt!
And if there were any justice for the victims it may also be a civil matter too. That is if those people live to be able to make a civil claim for damages. And I dare say that in both instances a full-blown trial would be held.
But committee chairman Senator Arlen Specter suggested politicians would have to clarify what he called a "crazy quilt" of laws and regulations governing the detentions.
"It may be that it's too hot to handle for Congress, may be that it's too complex to handle for Congress, or it may be that Congress wants to sit back as we customarily do, awaiting some action with the court no matter how long it takes," Senator Specter said.
"But at any rate, Congress hasn't acted."
The so call "crazy quilt" is just another cleaner term for 'indefinite illegality' and 'illegitimacy'.
It should be called the "unlawful quilt" sounds more like a better term and that puts everything back into its less than civil perspective, seen as how the court is having difficulty with military tribunals or 'Kangaroo Court's as they're known in Australia, mate! That's any Tribunal.
The United States currently holds about 520 suspected Al Qaeda demons from about 40 different countries including Australia at the detention centre in Cuba.
Australian David Hicks has been charged with terrorism-related offences but his trial has been delayed by legal argument over the validity of the US system of military tribunals.
It would be in the US interest if they finally declared their illegal and degrading war off and released the prisoners. It still wouldn't be fair but heck the idea has some element of good will associated with the concept and in relation to the so-called 'legitimacy 'aspect the US claim!
In short this war cannot go on forever........
Hicks 'should be an Australian'
Allegedly, he is facing trial on charges of conspiracy to commit war crimes, attempted murder and aiding the enemy in the US but now they don't want to do it! Because it would no doubt be in breach of the US Constitution back in the US, back in the US, back in the USA. And back in Australia, back in Australia, back in Australia Mate!
Western Sydney Peace Group
The NSW Council for Civil Liberties has strongly condemned the decision by the Howard Government to ignore violations of the basic rights of these two Australians, stating that this is "…unprecedented and it leaves serious doubts about the prospects of government assistance for any citizen who is illegally detained while abroad". The British Government has successfully obtained the repatriation and release of five of their nationals, whilst the Australian Government has not sought the repatriation of Messrs Hicks and Habib.
In front of the US Embassy today, Prof. Lieven De Cauter, initiator of the BRussells Tribunal, and spokesperson for the WTI in Belgium, said: "Since the US administration does not recognize the International Criminal Court (ICC), the citizens of the world have undertaken an initiative to reclaim justice. The world is calling for Bush to be held accountable for the crimes committed in Iraq."
But the way the US wage war this could go on forever!
And even though no charges have been laid against most of those people and no trials are underway because trials have been delayed by legal argument over the validity of the US system of military tribunals.
In a three-hour hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee, alleged legal experts from the US military and the Injustice Department insisted that the United States has a right under the Geneva Conventions to hold enemy combatants as long as it is militarily necessary to do so.
But what that translates to be though; is, that any sovereign nation attacked by the US (who claim people a suspected enemy combatant) can whisk them away, and detain them indefinitely without trial, and possibly torture or kill them in the process. Because I don't suppose they have 'duty of care' either. Until such time as the US declares that there is no military necessity.
Bad luck if you were just defending your own county from and attack by a superpower or even worse, refusing to defend your country but still being labelled a suspected combatant by the imperialists. Or even worse, travelling overseas like Mumdouh Habib minding your own business and being kidnapped, tortured and detained until you were finally released for being a suspect person only.
It is abhorrent that if a sovereign nation is attacked by the US and so long as they claim there is a 'military necessity' then indigenous people of that land can be imprisoned indefinitely for being a suspect until the aggressor claims there is not a military necessity.
Now I know there is no such thing at all in all's fair in love and war, but give us break!
The US imperialists also defend the process of 'handling them' as consistent with international law with all the evidence abounds, of killings and torture carried out by US militants at Abu Ghraib and other detention facilities.
"It's crucial to remember that the preventive detention of enemy combatants has never been thought of as a criminal matter in which a full-blown trial would be held," said Michael Wiggins, an injustice Department lawyer.
No! You just find them guilty and torture them forever!
And contrary to my friend Michael Wiggin's assertion that it is not a criminal matter I think it's definitely a criminal matter for the alleged perpetrators in the eyes of the International Community.
If the Coalition of the Killing were brought to face justice for their 'illegal and degrading war' against a sovereign nation then the 'criminal matter' would be a full-blown trial. No doubt!
And if there were any justice for the victims it may also be a civil matter too. That is if those people live to be able to make a civil claim for damages. And I dare say that in both instances a full-blown trial would be held.
But committee chairman Senator Arlen Specter suggested politicians would have to clarify what he called a "crazy quilt" of laws and regulations governing the detentions.
"It may be that it's too hot to handle for Congress, may be that it's too complex to handle for Congress, or it may be that Congress wants to sit back as we customarily do, awaiting some action with the court no matter how long it takes," Senator Specter said.
"But at any rate, Congress hasn't acted."
The so call "crazy quilt" is just another cleaner term for 'indefinite illegality' and 'illegitimacy'.
It should be called the "unlawful quilt" sounds more like a better term and that puts everything back into its less than civil perspective, seen as how the court is having difficulty with military tribunals or 'Kangaroo Court's as they're known in Australia, mate! That's any Tribunal.
The United States currently holds about 520 suspected Al Qaeda demons from about 40 different countries including Australia at the detention centre in Cuba.
Australian David Hicks has been charged with terrorism-related offences but his trial has been delayed by legal argument over the validity of the US system of military tribunals.
It would be in the US interest if they finally declared their illegal and degrading war off and released the prisoners. It still wouldn't be fair but heck the idea has some element of good will associated with the concept and in relation to the so-called 'legitimacy 'aspect the US claim!
In short this war cannot go on forever........
Hicks 'should be an Australian'
Allegedly, he is facing trial on charges of conspiracy to commit war crimes, attempted murder and aiding the enemy in the US but now they don't want to do it! Because it would no doubt be in breach of the US Constitution back in the US, back in the US, back in the USA. And back in Australia, back in Australia, back in Australia Mate!

Western Sydney Peace Group
The NSW Council for Civil Liberties has strongly condemned the decision by the Howard Government to ignore violations of the basic rights of these two Australians, stating that this is "…unprecedented and it leaves serious doubts about the prospects of government assistance for any citizen who is illegally detained while abroad". The British Government has successfully obtained the repatriation and release of five of their nationals, whilst the Australian Government has not sought the repatriation of Messrs Hicks and Habib.

In front of the US Embassy today, Prof. Lieven De Cauter, initiator of the BRussells Tribunal, and spokesperson for the WTI in Belgium, said: "Since the US administration does not recognize the International Criminal Court (ICC), the citizens of the world have undertaken an initiative to reclaim justice. The world is calling for Bush to be held accountable for the crimes committed in Iraq."

Propaganda Monster
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