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Photos from Sheffield G8 Protests - Wed Eve

bilbo | 15.06.2005 21:10 | G8 2005 | Repression | Social Struggles | Sheffield

Some photos form the events this evening.


CIRCA on Surrey Street
CIRCA on Surrey Street

Police on Surry Street
Police on Surry Street

Protestors on Surry Street
Protestors on Surry Street

Police in Chapel Walk
Police in Chapel Walk

Police in Chapel Walk
Police in Chapel Walk

Protest on Fargate
Protest on Fargate



Samba on Castle Square
Samba on Castle Square

Trunchons Drawn
Trunchons Drawn

Demonstration in Castle Square
Demonstration in Castle Square

Demonstration in Castle Square
Demonstration in Castle Square

Ploice line at the end of Arundal Gate
Ploice line at the end of Arundal Gate

Castle Square
Castle Square

Make Capitalism History
Make Capitalism History

Police on Chapel Walk
Police on Chapel Walk

In total 3 people were arrested.



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Corp Reports

15.06.2005 21:33

CH4 7pm TV news had a pretty good bit live on the spot earlier where the official demo had been allowed and were at pains to point out this was a long way from the venue and with a brass band due to play right outside the front of the venue the arriving delegate probably would not hear the protestors. They also referenced the fact that protestors were only limited to 100 or 150 according to special powers employed by the police.*

BBC online is saying 300 protestors, 3 arrests as riot police moved in on people who were not at the restricted demo, and a policewoman reportedly had her hand broken.


*NB the CH4 tv news was a pretty good section dealing with special branch visits and harrassment of G8 protestors in scotland, the Glasgow Cre8 Summit community garden project, and also featured the senior policeman in charge of the Gleneagles operation saying he would allow all protestors to gather right up to the security fence around Gleneagles hotel... The CH4 news report ended with their reporter in Gleneagles showing how easy it was to pull the security fence apart, and he even went on to show just how easy it was to scale by clambering over it!... crazy.


Photos from the demo.

16.06.2005 11:52

I can't see the photos - running Firefox 1.0.4. I'd like to see them :-)



16.06.2005 11:54

"BBC online is saying 300 protestors, 3 arrests as riot police moved in on people who were not at the restricted demo, and a policewoman reportedly had her hand broken."

....however what the BBC forget to mention is that one of the policeman was taken away and sectioned for his uncomprehendable aggressive actions when the 16 year old boy got arrested...

angered protester


16.06.2005 16:51

photos probably down due to bandwidth, i'm just guessing but the phrase "slashdotted" springs to mind...

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Bald man in 3rd picture

21.06.2005 14:39

Was in Dublin last year filming people. Part of FIT.
