Tickets available for Resist G8 Trains! New departure times!
SE Assembly - Transport Group | 15.06.2005 20:24 | G8 2005 | London | Oxford
The cheapest way to get up to Scotland by Train!
>BOOKING A SEAT on the SE Assembly Train
LONG STAY // Friday 1st July RTN Saturday 9th July
-now departs 3.15pm arrives 9.15pm!
SHORT STAY // Monday 4th July RTN Friday 8th July
All tickets cost £50, with the view of providing a concessionary price for unemployed/low wage/asylum seeker and those traveling from Eastern Europe. If possible, please make a donation to contribute to this concession.
To book a seat on the train please download the booking form, fill it in clearly and send to BM SOUTH EAST ASSEMBLY, London, WC1N 3XX enclosed with a postal order made payable to "G.E.N.I."
For cash bookings please phone 07944 135 617
or for more info phone us!
Download>Booking form //
>BOOKING A SEAT on the SE Assembly Train
LONG STAY // Friday 1st July RTN Saturday 9th July
-now departs 3.15pm arrives 9.15pm!
SHORT STAY // Monday 4th July RTN Friday 8th July
All tickets cost £50, with the view of providing a concessionary price for unemployed/low wage/asylum seeker and those traveling from Eastern Europe. If possible, please make a donation to contribute to this concession.
To book a seat on the train please download the booking form, fill it in clearly and send to BM SOUTH EAST ASSEMBLY, London, WC1N 3XX enclosed with a postal order made payable to "G.E.N.I."
For cash bookings please phone 07944 135 617
or for more info phone us!

Download>Booking form //
SE Assembly - Transport Group