Argentina: impunity laws overruled
sara | 15.06.2005 13:48 | Repression | Social Struggles
Finally the laws that granted impunity to perpetrators of State terrorism and crimes comitted by army were declared unconstitutional by the Argentinian Courts yesterday.
Laws of impunity overruled in Argentina
by Eduardo Rodriguez Wednesday
Buenos Aires, 14th June (PL) the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) of Argentina declared today unconstitutional the (‘Punto Final y Obediencia Debida)’ laws that exempted of responsibility the opressors of the last military dictatorship (1976-1983).
With the favourable vote of seven of its nine members, the maximum court closed thus one of the most tenebrous chapters of the Argentine recent history, that allowed impunity to hundreds of army members who committed crimes against humanity.
The main effect of this decision of the CSJ will be to guarantee the continuity of numerous causes opened for violations of human rights in last two years, since Congress has annulled those laws also popularly know as the laws of forgiveness/pardon.
The resolution of the maximum court, considered by organisms defending human rights to be without precedents, puts on the brink of prison between 500 and thousand members of the last de facto regime.
Amongst those, there are the ex- dictators Jorge Rafael Videla and Emilio Massera, symbols of the State terrorism that tortured and killed more than 30 thousands Argentineans according to numbers by human rights organisations.
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