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Online petition - Too often pro rightist capitalism slogans are spoken

Steven Dobbs | 14.06.2005 01:16 | Social Struggles

Raising awareness.

It is about how the news should report the issue of trade and society using unbiased terms - for example, unregulated trade instead of Free Trade - 'Free' is a powerful word - powerful enough that it selected to be used all around - buy one get one free - etc. I would hope that this campaign could be sucessful in two different main ways:

1) change media reporting - a victory for commonsense as the masses become less influence by these influential pro-business slogans.

2) those who argue against unregulated trade will tend to call it unregulated trade - rather than saying, "I AM AGAINST FREE TRADE" because people who may not have fully looked into the issues may think from the slogan, that we must be against an aspect of freedom! because is free is such a powerful and postive word - it should not be used to describe something of considered by many to not be so wonderful.

To: News Media

Certain words carry prejudice that may psychologically impact peoples opinions. Delivery of news should be factual and emotionally neutral. This is why many news sources choose to call what some would call 'terrorists' as the more value emotionally neutral term, 'militant'

With this in mind we declare our disturbance at the accidental, or intentional use of emotionally influential words - like "Free" when discussing the Economy:

for example, "Free Trade"

"Free Trade" is not a value neutral term, 'Free' is a strong word, a happy word - that is bound to influence viewers of the news since it is not emotionally neutral.

We therefore request that this fact be recognised - that 'Free Trade' is not a neutral way to describe, unregulated trade. And that another term should be used:

perhaps, Unregulated Trade, Wild Capitalism. Or something less positive to the ultra-capitalist cause.


The Undersigned

Steven Dobbs
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15.06.2005 22:01

I remember @ one protest I went to once, some of my friends had a banner which said "STOP CO-OPTING FREEDOM".

Too damn right stop co-opting freedom.

"Free Trade"
"America supports freedom'n'democracy" (george w bush)
"Freedom-luvin' people" (bush again)

the Right has totally taken over the word "freedom". they try to make it look like WE are AGAINST freedom itself.

freedom toast