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RTF party f**king wicked!

technopixie | 13.06.2005 12:19 | London

Reclaim the future party was fantastic!

just wanted to say that the Reclaim the Future party last saturday was wicked!

So, heres a a big thankyou to everyone who helped put it together, it was a damn lot of work (you know who you are!)and despite some er..minor..achhmm..hitches it all turned out really well.

heres to a future reclaimed!




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Apologies for failed cinema

13.06.2005 15:16

Indymedia was to have been showing films on the 2'nd floor but when the time hit 11pm and we still had not even a single volt of electrical power on that floor, we had to abandon the planned screenings. Maybe if loads of people go to the fund raiser for a mobile media centre at Ramparts on Thurs eve we'll be more successful at future events.
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