NAKED - Sainsbury action kits off
ben | 12.06.2005 12:01 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Ecology | Health | London
Eight naked protesters exposed themselves in front of Sainsbury HQ in the City Of London today to demand that sainsbury fullfils it's promise on ending the sale of products from animals fed on GM.
The protesters where painted with letters spelling out NO GM MILK and carried a banner reading 'GM Fed Dairy - Untested and in Here!'
The actions preceeds a seperate week long series of events that will take place outside Sainsburys Holborn Business Centre every morning this week from 8am to 9pm.
The brief photo shoot ended as the armed response police unit arrived... not quite sure what they had been told was happening!
See for further details of the week of action.
The actions preceeds a seperate week long series of events that will take place outside Sainsburys Holborn Business Centre every morning this week from 8am to 9pm.
The brief photo shoot ended as the armed response police unit arrived... not quite sure what they had been told was happening!
See for further details of the week of action.
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Here's to our brothers and sisters in Europe
22.06.2005 07:09
We are trying on our continent to do the same!
27.07.2005 11:28
This is a UK server. The UK is in Europe.
So what continent are you talking about?
The Naked
13.09.2005 14:13
With smoking on the decrease and cancer on the increase, it's no wonder people are more and more interested in the reasons why. I've suspected for some time food is more dangerous than it's ever been (ok, with the exception of people hunting wild animals with spears) and nitro/polycyclic musks are but a few of the ingredients whic have been recently taken out.
Good job! More of the same - it gives me hope that someone can raise public awareness without having to bomb some underground trains.
James L.
28.06.2006 23:15
Joshua Saunders