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a humanist future for humans

onix | 11.06.2005 13:09 | Analysis

some observations and solutions as to the worldcrisis


This is supposed to be a long article.
Since I have been studying the ways and division of power all my life,
and often been forced to fight for my opinions against each and evryone
around, me I have developed an attitude that I actually have an insight in many a human matter.

At this moment our world is in a permanent situation of threat.
When an iniative on a larger scale is started, or plotted or planned,
at the very moment it's conceived, it's usually already corrupted.
It doesn't matter even the scale of the iniative, in small groups people
fight over power, people will try to seem better then others and prefer not to listen. In the bigger context, prejudices, manipulation and greed, or want for material facility, play their numerous roles to corrupt the whole of power or government, or politics or economy, whatever name it gets.

Evrywhere on the planet humans, and also animals and nature, suffer daily
as a result. I try not to give examples, since they so much invoke
emotions, and i just want people to think, but there are a lot.
AIDS in africa, hunger, lack of medical care, death through military and
political violence, etc etc. The injustice part.

Also as a result, destruction of the ecotope(ozonlayer, climate), the
effects of pollution(burden) , exhaustion of natural resources (oil, water,oxygen) have risen to a completely unacceptable level. The uneconomical, or ecological, part.

Honestly I think we can't have the one without the other.
To save the planet, to save our genes, to save the individual from
unnecesary suffering we have to account for the many factors that invoke
it. There is no area of emancipation (anti-discrimination), we can postpone, let alone set aside.
I also think that any abstract of this article; any: he basicly says this
and that or such explication won't hold true.
I think they will all, largely, be egocentrist 'i am better' statements.
I favour abstracts, and promote additions, I want statements to be
subtracted, but i would like to see the original text included.

Enough about that and on with the subject.

I don't have the pretence to be complete, I also don't have the pretence to be very clear. Being complete would be a pretention to deny the rest of humankind the option to contribute. Being very clear is what i try, but both as an individual, and as a product of the collective thoughts of
mankind i am about as screwed up as the rest of us, i suppose.

Chapter 1:

Stating why we need to, all, solidairy act up, and change our lifestyles.
The current structures of power, I'll mention a few, banks, military
hegemonia, politics, multinationals, share (at least) one attribute.
Hierarchy. Hierarchy is an ancient historical feature, that in my opinion
came into existence with agriculture. Basicly all hierarchy is feudalism,
the more or less hardened face of slavery economics.

Now when hierarchy is based on intelligence,(information and reason), there is not so much wrong with it, theoretically.
Practically however, we don't have even the seems of that in our structures.

For an example, if i say patents are criminal, because they slow the
development of eg. solar panels, or of informing and engaging us all
,digitally with information and in discussion (internet).
With the new exploit of mathematical property, and there are rows of
related examples that keep us from improvement, that can be made, the
exploitation just goes on:
An eu (of banks and luxurours apparently) formulates that even into article one of what is called a constitution and no doubt in quite a few more.

Reason is countered with rhetorics, in this case, the free market retorics.
The captured market of the monopolised knowledge.

Thus I find, we need to structurally change the way we are governed, the
way people are made to think (or not think) over things. And the reality of information.

The next argument that will now come to table against me is: the
concurrention argument. I am not willing to do all the arguing , all the
sickening and rhetorical arguing of 1000's of years of opresion all over,
so i don't.(:P)

The point i make is hierarchy and unequality, these characteristics of the slaver economy are not a way to save people from abuse, they are not the way to save our planet and us from destruction. They are not the way to offer the children of this world a better life. They are only a way to ,for a very short time, provide the means for luxury, comfort and waste, and unfortunately also happyness, to a few.

chapter 2: Stating how we then have to organise ourselves to finally
counter those problems in a good way.

Creating an elite, that has a substantial material advantage is no good at all. Give them the means to fly, and they will fly, give them cars and they will drive, give them an opportunity for better healthcare, and they will seize the opportunity to deny medical care to others.
Give them the means to eat piles of meat and they will eat piles of
(biological) meat. Give them the means to hide their machinations, and the public will become totally ignorant. Give them an education based on family capital, and the power will stay hereditary. Give them the means to drive 2, 3, cars and they will drive 3. Give them the means to have a useless motoryacht and they will have that. Give them the means to consume more (to the expense of others) and healthier, and they will so do.

Ever claiming more resources for the use of a hierarchy, ever exploiting
the ones that with labour have to produce these facilities.
Give them the means to decide uncontrolled, and they will make
uncontrollable decisions, give them the possibility to stay in charge for a longer period, and they will seize and privatise more power.
Give them all of it (like now is the case), and they will authorise their
authority through evry means.

It's for most evryone of us, and this system of exploitation knows very
well evryone has their price. So they make you a collaborator for the
lowest price they can maintain you, and they will call it pride for labour when your only a slave and a slaver.

To stop the destruction of the planet with this attitude is impossible.
The whole system has to go and make place for a realist mindset.
So what we need is a decent mindset, besides putting a halt to the insane

We, at least I, realise there are a lot of people in this world with no
such opportunities, there are a lot of people that never had this luxury of extravagant consumption, never even could pay a dentist, didnt have tv sets washing machines,etc etc whatever they wished. Why not set equal for

Whats with private computers, multiple televisions, refrigerators full of
food? They all cost energy.. they all add to the uncounterability of our problem. Whats with every baby a new baby car? new clothes? its all a waste and all a product of slaves, less payed then the ones that profit from the luxury.

The current world economical situation is that the slowly saturating
markets of the west, export their toys and tools, their toils of foils,
to the newest colonys, no matter if they are south american, south asian,
or east european. The extra pollution is not the first thing noticed,
the denial of theses people's luxury is not the first priority.
It's just that it worsens the situation for the environment and that with
the products the criminal mindset, these values of the colonisators are
exported. Meanwhile spain dries up. india suffers most probably, floods,
droughts are evrywhere and increasingly often (as long as there still is
sweet water only ofcourse). The world foodproduction , that although it was ever enough to feed evryone, never did, is more and more in threat by the climate.
Evry year crops fail, and it has the looks it will only get worse.

so it's a matter of prioritys, unfortunately not on voluntairy basis.
What people do on voluntairy basis are exactly the things we don't want to do. Birth control, ecological (is less profitable) agriculture, no useless cardriving, paying taxes for improving public transport, stop the idiotic flying around, there is videoconferencing after all. If you want to see another country?, stay there a few months. Not a few days, or weeks.Acknowledging private refrigerators are a waste, we will have to change the infrastructure of our food distribution. Considering power corrupts through opportunity, power shouldn't be paired with opportunity.

It's all pretty simple, when there is more equality there is no reason for crime. No reason to conquer countrys for their resources.
When we dare to admit that all our cultures are screwed up, at least all
the cultures that call themselves and their aforementioned values,
civilised, there is not so much reason for hate between people.

This is the arguing part again.. but there's drugs.. So what drugs, they
are by far not as harmfull as chemical medicins or insecticides and
pesticides. If they are legal, they are no reason for crime. It's all
pretty simple. private property? thats obviously abusive, so stop it, no
human should be allowed an irresponsible claim on the available resources.

No person needs more then 1(one!) house. And noone needs less.
Ground? its a basic resource for food, and nature (replenishing resources,
oxygen, climate). Knowledge? knowledge is for the good of all, if it's not it's not knowledge, if it's monopolised it's a crime against humanity.
So what if the pretention is it's hard to motivate people, let us learn.
That gives us something to do. Find the challenge in reason, not in

Noone in their right minds needs a huge lawn or a golfcourt, if they do,
they are obviously psychiatric cases. Noone needs a silly rope around their neck, let alone to look down (distinguish) on the ones without evry day.
People that can't do without such things are insane. They shouldn't be
respected but helped. Let's go for true values and realism.

( a few points i think are inevitably neccesary to provide such luck and
Respect human nature, we are made for 3,4 hours of labour, abide that,
strive to create that. Full employment, long working days, they are a
crime. Fine excuses for needless production and waste of resources, an
excellent way to gather excessive riches for a few, and thus a crime.
Because most labour will still be dull, we have to share it.

Decission making should be open for evryone that can contribute.
Decissions never have to be secretive, if they are it means the general
public, the collective of reasoning couldn't approve.
Secret political agendas (the EU has countless) are illegal and criminal.

Interactive media should have priority over passive ones. (Internet is
better then tv). Untill evryone has acces to internet on a free bases,
there can be no such thing as: digitalisation is a waste of resources,
it's also the cheapest (in ecological terms) holliday.

To respect the contribution and reason of people, wich is what we want,
even to provide a form of luxury to life, in this case the mind,
all scientific research should be freely available via internet.
I can study 1000 studys about rasism... if i first have 100000 euro to pay for them.
Nonsense. Thats so intrinsically rasist, so much a cover up of corrupted
research and education, most of my readers will probably not even begin to imagine.
I have to pay to study the fossil record? No reason.

The international community should finally start, and it should start on
the basis of equality, and freedom.
But not freedom of waste, pollution or slaving. Equal freedom for equal
people. I will never belief we will even come remotely close to saving this planet without it.
There must be put an halt to advertisements and commercials. If you really need something, you will know. Since you are free to speak, you can tell.

My suggestion for replacement of the drive of money is the drive of fame.
An invention, an idea can be contributed, well if the socalled inteligentia are so smart, let them proof themselves through that. But those are details. First we have to put a halt to overconsumption and pollution, the needless use of cars etc etc.

In fact it's even easier, the ones that aren't motivated to support
humankind without a priviliged position, won't bring any good if they have a privileged position. So we can pretty well miss them in a hierarchy of reason.
And it's but all to true.

