Hicks 'should be an Australian'
Kangaroo Caught | 10.06.2005 22:44 | Anti-militarism | London | World
Allegedly, he is facing trial on charges of conspiracy to commit war crimes, attempted murder and aiding the enemy in the US but now they don't want to do it! Because it would no doubt be in breach of the US Constitution back in the US, back in the US, back in the USA. And back in Australia, back in Australia, back in Australia Mate!
THE father of accused
Adelaide-born Taliban
fighter David Hicks
caged himself in steel
mesh outside the Liberal
Party's national convention
in a bid to invite John Howard
to experience his son's fate.
(File Photo) (Rooters) Australia
Australia/CUBA: SUSPECTED? Australian David Hicks should have already been returned to Australia instead of being exploited by the US and Australian authorities.
Federal injustice minister Chris Ellison (another fascist in the Neo-Liberal gang) no doubt, should do his job and return Mr Hicks regardless of what led to his detention but instead continues to use Mr Hicks as leverage in the government's war on human rights.
Nor should David Hicks be detained in a gulag without trial and used by the US and Australian Government's for their war on liberty.
US slayer Donald Rumsfeld has said the United States would rather have detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp imprisoned by their home countries.
In other words the US are finished with him and now they want to wipe their arse without David even being afforded a fair hearing in relation to allegations bought by them.
But the Australian federal fascists have a problem because if brought back to Australia where Mr Hicks was born they would have no grounds to hold him in detention whatsoever, and egg all over their face for letting the US use him and officially not going to pick him up from the Coalition of the Kilings gulag at Guantanamo Bay.
Hicks, a former Adelaide Australian and converted by the US to a detainee, while Australian authorities at all material times remained 'complicit' has been tortured at the US naval base in Cuba since he was captured whilst on holiday, allegedly fighting with the Taliban in Afghanistan in the immediate aftermath of the September 11 attacks in the United States.
Allegedly, he is facing trial on charges of conspiracy to commit war crimes, attempted murder and aiding the enemy in the US but now they don't want to do it!
Because it would no doubt be in breach of the US Constitution back in the US, back in the US, back in the USA. And back in Australia, back in Australia, back in Australia Mate!
But they didn't invent the legislation anywhere but Cuba and nor will they because it's gross, illegal, an insult to common law, justice and humanity.
Egg all over the face!
"As we have said about David Hicks, we did not have legislation in place at the time of the actions which are alleged against Mr Hicks and therefore if he was to be returned to Australia he would not be able to be prosecuted," Senator Ellison said in Perth.
Ellison who reckons he's a Senator said the Federal Government had no intention of introducing retrospective criminal legislation, and it had always maintained the view that the appropriate jurisdiction was the US military commission.
Coalition of the Killing
So it was okay for the US to undermine common law, human rights standards and dignity in relation to their treatment of Australian citizens like Mr Mumdouh Habib and Mr David Hicks?
Who were detained illegally at Guantanamo Bay gulag, tortured without trial, and all the while, Australian authorities just looked on and just slip streamed through it!
Australian authorities nodding their head in collusion with US, to exploit 'politically' Australian citizens to sustain their alliance in their pre-emtive illegal and degrading war on Afghanistan and Iraq where the coalition has killed, maimed, tortured and injured hundreds of thousands of innocent men women and children described as 'Colateral Damage'.
Ellison "Our view is that the proceedings against Mr Hicks should continue as quickly as possible but you have to remember that there is action in the United States that questions the legitimacy of proceedings against Mr Hicks and this has stayed those proceedings as I understand it," he said.
"It has always been our intention that Mr Hicks should be dealt with as quickly as possible and that it be resolved as quickly as possible.
"It has gone on now for some time.
"We don't believe that this should be delayed any further.
"We believe that Mr Hicks has a right to be brought to trial as quickly as possible."
The US-run naval base turned prison base at Guantanamo Bay holds about 540 men accused of terrorism.
Shame HoWARd Shame!
The Government is the problem!
Photo: Father in a Cage for his Son
David Hicks: affidavit on abuse and mistreatment
Full text of the affidavit lodged by Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks asserting that he has been tortured during his detention:
As the Australian media focuses on Douglas Wood, the Australian currently held hostage in Iraq, concerned about unfair deprivation of liberty, the plight of three other Australians, David Hicks, Ahmed Aziz Rafiq and Mamdouh Habib, has been largely forgotten.
David HicksTrial Looms
Following the recent release of former Guantanamo Bay detainee Mamdouh Habib, who claims he was tortured, fellow Australian David Hicks, remains in Guantanamo Bay. Human Rights advocates say: "John Howard has turned his back on Australian citizen David Hicks" - who will be tried by military commission on 15 March 2005.
Adelaide Institute
Hicks did not violate Australian laws and so he should be brought back, something the Prime Minister and other politicians refuse to do. Hicks is thus in a bind because were he returned to Australia he would have his immediate freedom, something the politicians are not willing to do, thereby doing David Hicks an injustice.
Aust Community criticises Govt for 'crimes'!!!!!!!!!!!!
Law Council criticises Govt for Guantanamo 'mistakes'?
Australia: The Law Council of Australia is warning that the Federal Government must learn from its mistakes over Guantanamo Bay? Now that's a mistake!
Even though the governments was complicit, had intention, and the fact that they overlooked these crimes?
Australia owes Habib nothing: Beasley?
Why wouldn't you have empathy for a person whose government colluded to torture an Australian citizen?
Noble Cause Torture?
The Opposition had signalled it would support the inquiry but after internal discussions, Labor says it does not think a Senate probe is an appropriate forum to investigate the allegations. Then what is the appropriate forum?
Western Sydney Peace Group
The NSW Council for Civil Liberties has strongly condemned the decision by the Howard Government to ignore violations of the basic rights of these two Australians, stating that this is "…unprecedented and it leaves serious doubts about the prospects of government assistance for any citizen who is illegally detained while abroad". The British Government has successfully obtained the repatriation and release of five of their nationals, whilst the Australian Government has not sought the repatriation of Messrs Hicks and Habib.
Adelaide-born Taliban
fighter David Hicks
caged himself in steel
mesh outside the Liberal
Party's national convention
in a bid to invite John Howard
to experience his son's fate.
(File Photo) (Rooters) Australia
Australia/CUBA: SUSPECTED? Australian David Hicks should have already been returned to Australia instead of being exploited by the US and Australian authorities.
Federal injustice minister Chris Ellison (another fascist in the Neo-Liberal gang) no doubt, should do his job and return Mr Hicks regardless of what led to his detention but instead continues to use Mr Hicks as leverage in the government's war on human rights.
Nor should David Hicks be detained in a gulag without trial and used by the US and Australian Government's for their war on liberty.
US slayer Donald Rumsfeld has said the United States would rather have detainees at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp imprisoned by their home countries.
In other words the US are finished with him and now they want to wipe their arse without David even being afforded a fair hearing in relation to allegations bought by them.
But the Australian federal fascists have a problem because if brought back to Australia where Mr Hicks was born they would have no grounds to hold him in detention whatsoever, and egg all over their face for letting the US use him and officially not going to pick him up from the Coalition of the Kilings gulag at Guantanamo Bay.
Hicks, a former Adelaide Australian and converted by the US to a detainee, while Australian authorities at all material times remained 'complicit' has been tortured at the US naval base in Cuba since he was captured whilst on holiday, allegedly fighting with the Taliban in Afghanistan in the immediate aftermath of the September 11 attacks in the United States.
Allegedly, he is facing trial on charges of conspiracy to commit war crimes, attempted murder and aiding the enemy in the US but now they don't want to do it!
Because it would no doubt be in breach of the US Constitution back in the US, back in the US, back in the USA. And back in Australia, back in Australia, back in Australia Mate!
But they didn't invent the legislation anywhere but Cuba and nor will they because it's gross, illegal, an insult to common law, justice and humanity.
Egg all over the face!
"As we have said about David Hicks, we did not have legislation in place at the time of the actions which are alleged against Mr Hicks and therefore if he was to be returned to Australia he would not be able to be prosecuted," Senator Ellison said in Perth.
Ellison who reckons he's a Senator said the Federal Government had no intention of introducing retrospective criminal legislation, and it had always maintained the view that the appropriate jurisdiction was the US military commission.
Coalition of the Killing
So it was okay for the US to undermine common law, human rights standards and dignity in relation to their treatment of Australian citizens like Mr Mumdouh Habib and Mr David Hicks?
Who were detained illegally at Guantanamo Bay gulag, tortured without trial, and all the while, Australian authorities just looked on and just slip streamed through it!
Australian authorities nodding their head in collusion with US, to exploit 'politically' Australian citizens to sustain their alliance in their pre-emtive illegal and degrading war on Afghanistan and Iraq where the coalition has killed, maimed, tortured and injured hundreds of thousands of innocent men women and children described as 'Colateral Damage'.
Ellison "Our view is that the proceedings against Mr Hicks should continue as quickly as possible but you have to remember that there is action in the United States that questions the legitimacy of proceedings against Mr Hicks and this has stayed those proceedings as I understand it," he said.
"It has always been our intention that Mr Hicks should be dealt with as quickly as possible and that it be resolved as quickly as possible.
"It has gone on now for some time.
"We don't believe that this should be delayed any further.
"We believe that Mr Hicks has a right to be brought to trial as quickly as possible."
The US-run naval base turned prison base at Guantanamo Bay holds about 540 men accused of terrorism.
Shame HoWARd Shame!
The Government is the problem!
Photo: Father in a Cage for his Son

David Hicks: affidavit on abuse and mistreatment
Full text of the affidavit lodged by Guantanamo Bay detainee David Hicks asserting that he has been tortured during his detention:

As the Australian media focuses on Douglas Wood, the Australian currently held hostage in Iraq, concerned about unfair deprivation of liberty, the plight of three other Australians, David Hicks, Ahmed Aziz Rafiq and Mamdouh Habib, has been largely forgotten.

David HicksTrial Looms
Following the recent release of former Guantanamo Bay detainee Mamdouh Habib, who claims he was tortured, fellow Australian David Hicks, remains in Guantanamo Bay. Human Rights advocates say: "John Howard has turned his back on Australian citizen David Hicks" - who will be tried by military commission on 15 March 2005.

Adelaide Institute
Hicks did not violate Australian laws and so he should be brought back, something the Prime Minister and other politicians refuse to do. Hicks is thus in a bind because were he returned to Australia he would have his immediate freedom, something the politicians are not willing to do, thereby doing David Hicks an injustice.

Aust Community criticises Govt for 'crimes'!!!!!!!!!!!!
Law Council criticises Govt for Guantanamo 'mistakes'?
Australia: The Law Council of Australia is warning that the Federal Government must learn from its mistakes over Guantanamo Bay? Now that's a mistake!
Even though the governments was complicit, had intention, and the fact that they overlooked these crimes?

Australia owes Habib nothing: Beasley?
Why wouldn't you have empathy for a person whose government colluded to torture an Australian citizen?

Noble Cause Torture?
The Opposition had signalled it would support the inquiry but after internal discussions, Labor says it does not think a Senate probe is an appropriate forum to investigate the allegations. Then what is the appropriate forum?

Western Sydney Peace Group
The NSW Council for Civil Liberties has strongly condemned the decision by the Howard Government to ignore violations of the basic rights of these two Australians, stating that this is "…unprecedented and it leaves serious doubts about the prospects of government assistance for any citizen who is illegally detained while abroad". The British Government has successfully obtained the repatriation and release of five of their nationals, whilst the Australian Government has not sought the repatriation of Messrs Hicks and Habib.

Kangaroo Caught