Make Poverty History = SWP front
antiSwper | 10.06.2005 14:18
MakePovertyHistory has been discovered to be a SWP front organisation. The campaign from the earliest outset has been funded by governments and by large campaigning groups, such as the SWP, which has members involved in consulting to the organisation on how to build a mass campaign and what the aims and objectives are.
Of course, many other groups are involved by can such an organisation be trusted, when the SWP and its "comrades" and others are involved in deciding the direction and aims, as well as controlling its campaigning methods?
Anyone serious about this should avoid this sham and avoid Edinburgh for the G8, as it is a diversion from the real problems. People would be better off not attending SWP hijacked events run by has beens like Geldof up in Scotland, they are wasting their time!
Of course, many other groups are involved by can such an organisation be trusted, when the SWP and its "comrades" and others are involved in deciding the direction and aims, as well as controlling its campaigning methods?
Anyone serious about this should avoid this sham and avoid Edinburgh for the G8, as it is a diversion from the real problems. People would be better off not attending SWP hijacked events run by has beens like Geldof up in Scotland, they are wasting their time!
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High standard of evidence there.....
10.06.2005 14:33
Any chance of corrobarating evidence?
And, its not just MPH that people are going to Edinburgh for, is it?
The G8 meeting is still on, and Dissent and G8 alternatives are organising things as well.
Come on
10.06.2005 15:51
The SWP control the world....
10.06.2005 16:21
Anybody know when they will be controlling the world, as I assume the CIA, FBI, MI5 and the Labour Party are also fronts?
Silly person.
get real
Yet more disinformation
10.06.2005 20:19
MPH is guided mainly by large NGOs, who have their own set of problems - but not by the SWP.
Matt S
sectarianism from matt s? that's a shame
10.06.2005 22:08
Christian Aid will never be revolutionaries but it's great to see them explicitly condemning neo-liberalism and shouting "fair trade not free trade".
Sure MPH have problems. The biggest one appears to be Oxfam's softly-softly approach and Oxfam's cosy relationship with New Labour. Oxfam have been pissing off the other coalition members by trying to stop them saying anything too radical and for putting MPH in danger of being co-opted by Blair and Brown (who are strongly criticised by very many groups in MPH). Oxfam also vetoed allowing Globalise Resistance and the Stop The War Coalition to join MPH, *not* because those organisations have strong links with the SWP (oxfam probably haven't even heard of the swp) but because Oxfam doesn't want to have anything to do with anti-capitalism.
There are some good organisations in MPH. War On Want for example and World Development Movement, both of which have got a proper radical critique of the G8, and of the whole system.
But even Christian Aid does a lot of good stuff too. Compare our government's DFID department which spends it aid on environmentally destructive socially destructive inefficient hydroelectric dams and other rip-off white elephants on a good day and on a bad day sponsors the Adam Smith Institute to the tune of millions of pounds, or promotes large-scale agri-business based cash crops for export while displacing millions of small farmers... vs Christian Aid which promotes development **from the bottom up** by giving communities chickens and ploughs and stuff like mosquito nets and wells and things which actually help them. The NGO's aren't perfect by any means but they're miles better than the government. I think anti-capitalists would do well to see the NGO's as allies in the fight for global justice. Our various demands all go further than theirs but their demands are at least going in the right direction.
I'm not saying we shouldn't be critical - just that I don't reckon it helps to be slagging them off and dismissing them all the time. There's way too much sectarianism, it seems like everyone's only got time for their own particular style of activism and to hell with everyone else who wants to make a difference.
PS I read the other day on Indymedia that Dissent! are a front group for the SWP... quite comedy really ;-) Whatever will they think of next?
love and rage