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BNP Neo-Nazis Back To Court on June the 16th

Unite Against Fascism | 09.06.2005 01:03 | Anti-racism | Globalisation | Sheffield

Slick neo-Nazi Griffin, old-time white supremacist Tyndall, and "sick in the head" Hitler worshipper Mark Collett, return to the courtroom at Leeds, on June the 16th.

Students, anti-fascists, and anyone concerned about racism, turn up in numbers to make your voices heard against this sorry bunch of nobodies.



Unite Against Fascism


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Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!

09.06.2005 08:39

From the vast number of anti-Israel rants on Indymedia the untrained observer could easioly mistake indymedia for a far right website. Why is indymedia so obbsessed with the Palestinian cause and bashing Israel? For a start don't you see that the Palestinians suffering is self inflicted? And second there are far more important concerns going on in the world such as the genocide and ethnic cleansing in Dafur in Sudan!


No Hiding Place For The Fash

09.06.2005 08:48

The neo-Nazi losers will be up to their usual tricks, trying to drown out anti-racist protestors.

The wanky cherry picker will drive a different way, approaching from another direction. We will be waiting for it.

Plus, the fascists may try to arrive earlier. That said, Leeds isn't a welcoming city for neo-Nazis who hang around the pavement too long...


Egg The Neo-Nazis

Tom Tit strikes again!

09.06.2005 09:43

Only somebody as painfully stupid as Tom Tit could mistake IMC for a nazi site.

And only somebody with an unpleasant Zionist agenda could spout the "self-inflicted" shit about the Palestinians, who didn't, as I recall, ask for a bunch of fascist settlers from New York and Russia to turn up and start killing their kids.

You sir, are a nobhead

Tom you just wanna bash the left coz you've got nothing better to do, get a life

09.06.2005 11:32

Tom, go to Palestine and check out what's going on there. Many of us have seen these things for ourselves. It's fucked up.

What makes it so DIFFICULT for you to understand that the far left (be it socialist / anarchist or whatever) is NOT the far right. We are diametrically opposed to these people.

What makes it so hard for you to understand that people can support the Palestinians for reasons other than disliking the Jewish people.

I think you'll find most Jewish people support the Palestinian cause as well, if you actually ask them.

Don't give me this bullshit about us being 'anti-semitic'. Back in the 1930s it was THE LEFT who were sticking up for Jews. It was us who were condemning what was going on in Germany when most people didn't give a shit. When the DAILY MAIL were extolling the virtues of the Nazis and demanding Jewish asylum seekers be sent back to Germany the left was saying we should welcome these oppressed people.

The left is about sticking up for the underdog. Today, in the middle east, the underdog is very much the Palestinians. These are a persecuted and impoverished people suffering under Ariel Sharon's right wing extremism. They're having their houses bulldozed down, their children shot, they're economy utterly wiped out, they're being locked in their houses under pain of summary execution for days on end, many unable to get to work or school or university, ambulances are being shot at, their towns are being reduced to rubble, their lives are strangled by Kafka-esque bureaucracy (actually one of the worst aspects of life in Palestine though it is rarely reported in the press). But you can dismiss all this with a wave of the hand as "self-inflicted". And you can dismiss us with a wave of the hand as "anti-semitic". You have no evidence other than your own prejudice that we have this secret conspiracy to pretend to care about palestinians but really to hate Jewish people. Try engaging with our arguments. It's impossible to have a conversation with you because whatever we say about the injustice of the situation the Palestinians are suffering you just try to tell us that we're anti-semitic. You say it looks obvious to you that we're antisemitic but you have no evidence at all other than your own prejudice.

"He's a self-confessed saviour for the dim right wing" - Mr Robinsons's Quango, The Great Escape, Blur 1996

pissed off with The Dim Right Wing

What's the point?

09.06.2005 13:40

Why go and protest against a "sorry bunch of nobodies"? Either they're significant in which case they need to be opposed, or they're not in which case they can be ignored safely.

Make your mind up, original poster!


Complacancy Is Wrong

09.06.2005 14:31

Some people who post on here, are latent neo-Nazi wankers who try to disuade anti-Nazi protest.

We are not fooled.

Neither will be complacent.

When nazis arrive in a town, on full display in front of the courthouse, they need to be opposed, or else racists everywhere, will see their unopposed presence as a licence to go out and attack black people.

Hitler was once a joke, but was elected to parliament via the ballot box, don't lest forget.

So, however much they are losers, and people who hate each other because of skin-colour are indeed mentally derranged trainspotters, we do need to amass on the streets to stop the fash.

Blueberry Muffin (not from Starf*cks!!!)


09.06.2005 14:35

Ignore the knockers. Turn up, dudes, and TRASH THE MUTHERF*CKIN' FASH

Militant Anti-Fascism


09.06.2005 14:47

Ignore the neo-Nazi apologists. If white supremacists had their way, all human rights protestors would be subject to another Guernica.

We need to crush the divided neo-Nazi movement until they are no more.

I remember a couple of years ago, Nick "Creepy-Twat" Griffin telling people the BNP was trendy.

Maybe in the warped realm of psychopaths like David Copeland, they are indeed flavour of the month.

We have to make sure the only taste left in their mouths, is the sick taste of total and utter failure.

Don't forget your whistles and horns, as the original poster said.

True anarchists have no sympathy for fascists, be they the mighty, George W(*anker) Bush, or the crestfallen and the hideously kinky, Griffie Babes.

BRING THE NOISE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Wounded Rats Bite - Don't Forget Mass Murderer Copeland

09.06.2005 15:08

Copeland was inspired by known right-wing extremists who fed him a diet of Nazi literature and propaganda. Copeland joined the BNP, then the extreme right-wing group, The National Socialist Movement, in January 1999, just three months before his bombing campaign began.

Steve Sargent, one of the founders of the NSM. Steve Sargent, from Essex, was one of the neo-Nazis who split away from Combat 18/BNP to set up the NSM. When Copeland applied to join, Sargent was one of those who approved his membership. NSM leader Tony Williams wrote to Copeland to tell him he had been accepted as a full NSM member. In February 1999, Williams wrote to Copeland again, appointing him Unit Leader, in charge of the NSM in his own area.

NSM leader Tony Williams said "Welcome to leadership, responsibility and accountability to your comrades. Yours ever, Heil Hitler." But like Steve Sargent, Williams was not at all keen to discuss with Panorama his involvement with Copeland.

One of the Searchlight BNP infiltrators in the BNP, only known as Arthur, got to know David Copeland in the summer of 1997, said Copeland was a self-confessed Nazi. In his courtroom confession, he stated "Why attack blacks and Asians? Because I don't like them. I want them out of this country. I'm a national socialist. Nazi. I believe in the master race."

Don't Forget Copeland


09.06.2005 15:44

What is said about Copeland is true as far as it goes--but there is more.

1) 'Agent Arthur' presumably knew who Copeland was straight away--so why not disclose this when it might have prevented his last bombing?

2) MI5, Special Branch & also Searchlight publish Gerry Gable knew that Copeland was being moitored as he planted his last bomb--yet he was allowed still to do so with fatal results.

3) Copeland has been baged up--but so far not those complicit in his actions before during & after the fact. These include named individuals (in print, by me) & also MI5/Special Branch.

To just see Copeland as a neo-Nazi (which he was) is only part of the picture.

- Homepage:

yeah ignore the knockers

09.06.2005 15:49

says John Mcdermot

Lord Nelsons Trousers

Outsmart The neo-Nazis

14.06.2005 01:49

The racists are going to arrive at midday. We need to be there earlier....

Daffy Duck

The neo-Nazi BNP Attend An International White Supremacy Conference

14.06.2005 10:55

May 25, 2005

Over three hundred white supremacists gathered in New Orleans for the "2005 European American Conference," convened May 20 - 22 by David Duke. The theme of the conference was the unification of Europeans and Americans in opposition to Jews, who were demonized as blood suckers and parasites who dominate media and government around the world. A significant number of politically affiliated European racists addressed the crowd, including Nick Griffin and Simon Darby from the far-right British National Party, Karl Richter and Marcus Haverkamp from Germany's far-right National Democratic Party (NPD), Vavra Suk and Lennart Berg of Sweden, Jean-Michel Girard of France's far-right National Front, and Deirdre Fields of South Africa. It remains unclear whether these disparate American and international white supremacist groups will be able coordinate their anti-Jewish rhetoric and cooperate in their activities, but the simple fact of their participation in Duke's New Orleans meeting is a significant development in the world of white supremacy and anti-Semitism.

During the weekend of May 20-22, racist activists from the United States and Europe gathered for a conference in New Orleans sponsored by David Duke, former Klan leader and current head of the white supremacist European-American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO). Duke, one of the leading propagandists of anti-Semitism in the United States and Europe, where his anti-Semitic book Jewish Supremacism is sold, made anti-Jewish hatred a focus of the conference. In an ad promoting the gathering, Duke stated that European Americans are currently facing [their] "greatest crisis in history," and blamed an alleged ongoing "genocide" against every "White nation on earth" on "massive immigration" and "the worldwide power of Jewish supremacism." Duke also blamed Jews in the Bush administration for the Iraq war and causing the deaths of American soldiers.

Duke is one of the few recognizable faces left on the racist right in the United States, which has seen some of its most notorious leaders die or be incarcerated in the last few years. Joining Duke at the conference were numerous white supremacist leaders, including Kevin Strom from the neo-Nazi National Vanguard; Willis Carto, publisher of the anti-Semitic publications, American Free Press and The Barnes Review; and Don Black, who runs Stormfront, the longest-running white supremacist site on the Internet. In addition, members of extreme-right parties in Europe, including Nick Griffin, chairman of the British National Party (BNP), and Vavra Suk, secretary of NationalDemokraterna, a far-right party in Sweden, were scheduled to attend.

Last year, Duke held a similar conference in New Orleans after he was released from prison for tax and mail fraud convictions. The result of last year's conference was "The New Orleans Protocol," which stated that "nationalists" from different countries would agree to treat each other with respect, maintain a "high tone" in arguments and renounce violence. However, in the year since that statement was released, the white supremacist movement has experienced bitter factional infighting. David Duke is trying once again to establish himself as the leader who can unite the various factions on the racist right and play a major role in guiding the white supremacist movement in the United States.

Scheduled speakers included:

David Duke: Perhaps America's most infamous racist, David Duke was instrumental in the Klan resurgence of the 1970s, and is currently head of the white supremacist European American Unity and Rights Organization (EURO). He has been a frequent political candidate, and has made public appearances in recent years in Russia, Europe and the Middle East. Duke's messages typically include conspiratorial depictions of Jewish power and alleged Jewish hatred for non-Jews, a combination he refers to as "Jewish supremacism."

Dr. Edward Fields: Active since the late 1940s in white supremacist and anti-Semitic groups, Fields is known for having collaborated with notorious racist bomber J.B. Stoner (recently deceased). His crude writings continue to circulate widely. He still publishes the hate-filled newspaper The Truth At Last, and in 2003 joined the National Alliance.

Willis Carto: Now in his 70s, Carto is one of the most influential American anti-Semitic propagandists of the past 50 years. He has been associated with nearly every significant far-right movement in the country. In 2001, both Carto and his organization Liberty Lobby were bankrupted after Carto lost a long court battle with the Institute for Historical Review, a Holocaust denial organization (which broke with him in 1993). His now-defunct publication, The Spotlight, which had been the most widely read publication on the fringe right, folded and reemerged under a new title, American Free Press, in August 2001. Carto also publishes The Barnes Review, a Holocaust denial publication.

Kevin Strom: Strom was a leader in the neo-Nazi National Alliance for 20 years until his expulsion from the group in April 2005. He is now one of the driving forces behind the National Vanguard, a group formed that same month by former members of the National Alliance. Strom, who delivered the National Alliance's weekly American Dissident Voices radio broadcasts, is now airing radio shows under the auspices of National Vanguard. He also runs the National Vanguard Web site.

Don Black: Black, a Florida-based former Klansman and long-time friend of Duke's, became known world wide for creating Stormfront, the first major white supremacist Web site in 1995.

Bob Whitaker: An "independent" right-wing author, Whitaker has his own Web site and an Internet radio program. In his writings he decries the ills of today's society, and expresses racist views.

Michael Collins Piper: A reporter for the American Free Press, a conspiracy-oriented, anti-Semitic publication published by Willis Carto. Piper has also written several books promoting anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, including claims that the Mossad was involved in the John F. Kennedy assassination, and that Israel and the American pro-Israel lobby control U.S. foreign policy. He also claims Israel was implicated in the events of 9/11. In 2003, he lectured on anti-Israel and anti-Semitic themes (including the alleged truth of The Protocols of Zion) in the United Arab Emirates at the invitation of the Zayed Center.

Nick Griffin: convicted terrorist and editor of The Rune, an anti-Semitic quarterly.

Lady Michele Renouf: Renouf is an Australian-born former model and author, and a member of London's elite society. She has expressed virulent anti-Semitic views, espoused Holocaust denial, and is devoted to the cause of David Irving, a prominent Holocaust denier. She regularly appears on white extremist Web sites such as Stormfront and Vanguard News Network.

Paul Fromm: A Canadian white supremacist, Fromm is a recurring presence at U.S. gatherings of neo-Nazis and is a contributing editor to the Holocaust denial publication The Barnes Review. Fromm runs the Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE), a group that advocates on behalf of white supremacists and Holocaust deniers.

Vavra Suf: Suf is the secretary of the Nationaldemokraterna (National Democratic Party), a far-right party in Sweden.

Pedro Varela: Owner of a bookstore in Barcelona, Spain, that sells books on National Socialism and Holocaust denial, Varela hosted Duke at his bookstore in March 2005, which resulted in Duke, Varela and the audience reportedly being attacked by anti-racist activists.

Once Nazis, Always Nazis

Insanity Connundrum

14.06.2005 13:55

The BNP would murder everybody, even rival fascist groups, if they got in power.

Hatred is a form of insanity.

The irony is, their heroes and mentors, Hitler's stormtroopers, and their ancestors, Oswald Mosley, murdered mentally ill people.

Would they eventually kill themselves, too???


Why are some convicted terrorists allowed into the USA, and not others???

14.06.2005 14:14

Surely Nick Griffin's terrorist convictions should have barred him from obtaining an entry visa?

Convicted Islamic terrorists wouldn't be allowed into the States.

American double-standards, or what?

Obviously George Bush views white supremacist terrorists as "a better type of terrorist".

This is a great insult to everyone who died as a result of the Oklahoma bombings, and the Turner diaries.

Is warfaring George Bush a secret fan of white supremacist wankers like Nick Griffin?

How the f**k did Griffin get his visa???